Gateways to Abomination
"Bizarre radio broadcasts luring dissolute souls into the dark woods of Western Massachusetts. Sinister old men in topcoats gathered at corners and in playgrounds. A long-dead sorcerer returning to obscene life in the form of an old buck goat. Welcome to Leeds, Massachusetts, where the drowned walk, where winged leeches blast angry static, where black magic casts a shadow over a cringing populace. You've tuned in to WXXT. The fracture in the stanchion. The drop of blood in your morning milk. The viper in the veins of the Pioneer Valley"--P. [4] of cover.

Jonnie Dolan@softmossdog
Man, I cannot finish this one. It is well-written but awful to read. It's like if someone listened to Welcome to Night Vale and said, "I can make this edgier." I have nothing against edgy stories, but this one just has no redeeming features. It's been a while since I haven't finished a book, but I'm just getting nothing out of this.