Badge, Book, and Candle (Bookburners Season 1 Episode 1)

Badge, Book and Candle sets up the Bookburners world. Magical items are on the loose, and Sal is a police detective who stumbles into one. There seems to be a lot they can do with this premise. This first episode has its own arc while deftly setting up the world and characters. Sal as the main character is a bit of a cipher. We learn a bit of her history but not much about her as a person since most of the episode is devoted to plot. The other characters are interesting with their own quirks. The premise seems to be similar to the TV show Warehouse 13 without the camp, which is definitely something I can get behind. I'm interested to see what happens next. Xe Sands does a great job with the narration. I've enjoyed her readings of other books, and she brings a touch of exasperation along with wary acceptance to the weird things happening around Sal. Bookburners is a serialized novel available in audio or e-form. The first episode is free through Serialbox.com.