

Maxim Gorky2014
Mother tells the transformative tale of a mother who vehemently adopts the socialist ideals of her son, Pavel, a Marxist leader in revolutionary Russia. The wife of a factory worker in pre-revolution Russia, Palegeya ignores the political tumult of her country in favour of self-preservation and the duties of motherhood. From a fearful and subservient wife to an adamant and dedicated revolutionary vessel, Payegeya’s transformation comes with her Son’s choice to take a different path, joining the revolution in an attempt to enact change for the people of Russia stifled by the oppressions of capitalism. A representative of the day-to-day lives of the proletariat, Gorky’s Palegeya is a metaphor for the Motherland, supporting her child as he fights for his rights and those of his comrades. An informative insight into contemporary socialist ideas and the methods of those who fought for them, Mother is an absorbing read for those interested in revolutionary Russia, Marxism, and modern society. Maxim Gorky was a Russian writer, revolutionary activist, and founder of the Socialist Realism literary method. This book is republished with a biography of the author.
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