American Magnificat

American Magnificat Protestants on Mary of Guadalupe

From the Pews in the Back is a book filled with questions about Catholic identity. How do young Catholic women see or define themselves? What is their relationship to the church? What are their stru'es and joys? In a church that often consi' them to the pews in the back, what place are young women claiming This collection of twenty-nine essays approaches these questions from a multitude of an's. These brief memoirs, to'her with the insi's of editors Kate Du' and Jennifer Owens, offer a 'mpse into what it means to be young Catholic, and female in today's church. These women wrestle with the Catholic faith and with the church. They ask hard questions of the institution and are not willin'o take easy answers. From the Pews in the Back is a new chapter in the dialo' about the role of women in the church. The voices of these women ran'from inspirin'nd ener'ic to chalen'nd wounded. Ultimately, thou' these women are stubbornly hopeful. They are claimin'place in the church and are calin'ther Catholics to talk with them about this claim. Kate Du' was baptized, made First Reconciliation, received First Communion, was confirmed, and married in Immaculate Conception Parish in Watertown, South Dakota. She 'duated from the Colle'of St. Benedict and received her Master of Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School. This fall, she will be' a PhD pro'm in reli'n at Northwestern University. Jennifer Owens has spent most of her academic life and al of her teaching career in Catholic schools in Southern California. She earned her bachelor's de'e in sociolo'and a master's de'e in teachin'rom Loyola Marymount University. Jennifer recently completed her Master of Divinity at Harvard Divinity School and will be' doctoral studies in systematic and philosophical theolo'at the'duate Theolo'al Union this fal. Visit the book's website at: Contact Kate and Jennifer at: fromthepewsintheback@' "
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