Me Talk Pretty One Day
Easy read

Me Talk Pretty One Day

David Sedaris2010
A hilarious collection of essays from 'the premier observer of our world and its weirdnesses,' New York Times bestselling author David Sedaris (Adam Kay, author of This is Going to Hurt) Anyone who has heard David Sedaris speaking live or on the radio will tell you that a collection from him is cause for jubilation. A move to Paris from New York inspired these hilarious pieces, including 'Me Talk Pretty One Day', about his attempts to learn French from a sadistic teacher who declares that 'every day spent with you is like having a caesarean section'. His family is another inspiration. 'You Can't Kill the Rooster' is a portrait of his brother, who talks incessant hip-hop slang to his bewildered father. And no one hones a finer fury in response to such modern annoyances as restaurant meals presented in ludicrous towers of food and cashiers with six-inch fingernails. Readers say: 'Fantastically funny book which gets better and better' 'Oh how I loved this book. David Sedaris and his adventures in learning to speak French made me cry with laughter, especially the terrifying teacher at the language classes' 'Why have I not discovered him before'
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Photo of Patrick Book
Patrick Book@patrickb
4 stars
Jul 5, 2024

He’s so adorable.

Photo of sara
4 stars
Jan 7, 2024

Witty and easy to read. Maybe like a 3.5? Laughed out loud a couple times #Yas

Photo of Michael Klepacki
Michael Klepacki@kleypack
4.5 stars
Aug 8, 2023

I'm surely not biased in rating this, as an American who moved to France about a year ago. But really, this is wonderful—Sedaris at his best.

Being comedy, some of his stories don't always age gracefully—and his outspoken, privileged, neo-liberal musings certainly rub me the wrong way at times—but Me Talk Pretty One Day, the oldest of his works that I've read, has aged mostly like fine French wine. Touching as always, if lighter than some of his more recent work, and consistently hilarious.

Photo of Fran Lewis
Fran Lewis@franlewis
3 stars
Dec 23, 2022

Very funny book

Photo of Alex Ker
Alex Ker@alexker
3 stars
Dec 19, 2022


Photo of Marisel
Marisel @marisel
5 stars
Nov 20, 2022

So far my favorite Sedaris book. His gift for slicing through the muck of human sentimentality, vulnerability and absurdity, with razor sharp precision and wit, never disappoints.

Photo of Stephanie Honour
Stephanie Honour@stephonour
2 stars
Nov 4, 2022

The first 3 pages of this book completely hooked me: it was hilarious, light-hearted and entertaining. By the last page, I was irritated with the main character and couldn't was happy to be finished. He was just so damn ignorant! Although initially funny, the outlandish scenarios he got himself into gradually became predictable, and they lost their charm. How did this book become a national bestseller? Voters must have only read the first chapter.

Photo of Jacqui Spears
Jacqui Spears@jcspears
5 stars
Sep 21, 2022

Sedaris’s voice was in my head for every word of this book, reading it aloud to me. I laughed out loud countless times.

Photo of brendan sudol
brendan sudol@bren
4 stars
Aug 12, 2022

My favorites were "Giant Dreams, Midget Abilities", "Jesus Shaves", and the titular story.

Photo of Celeste Richardson
Celeste Richardson@cecereadsandsings
3 stars
Aug 11, 2022

Mini review now posted! Rating: 3.5 stars I’m not a big nonfiction reader, and Sedaris is about as different from me as another English speaker could possibly be, but this was amusing. I didn’t love every essay, but they were never boring. My favorites were The Youth in Asia, an essay about the family’s childhood pets that was absolutely hilarious; Me Talk Pretty One Day, about David’s experiences in a French class for adult foreigners living in France; and Jesus Shaves, which takes place in the same French class as the students use their broken French to try to explain Easter to a fellow student. David’s grasp on the French language is tenuous, especially in regards to grammar. He gets his point across, but his own comparison of his French speech with that of Yoda is incredibly accurate. If you’re looking for something funny and light and true, this is a good choice!

Photo of Jaymie Lemke
Jaymie Lemke@lemkegirl
2 stars
Jul 26, 2022

I thought it kinda stalled in the middle of the book while he was in France. Meh.

Photo of Trever
4 stars
Jul 2, 2022

3.5 rounded up because it made me laugh a few times.

Photo of Fraser Simons
Fraser Simons@frasersimons
1 star
Jun 9, 2022

DNF 25% in. To be honest, the authorial voice rubbed me the wrong way and as a result I couldn’t get invested in the story. Didn’t find it funny.

Photo of Tameka Young
Tameka Young@tamekareads
4 stars
May 25, 2022

Hilarious! This was my first audiobook and I loved the stories especially since they were told in Sedaris' own voice. Loved it!

Photo of Melody Izard
Melody Izard@mizard
3 stars
Jan 10, 2022

Not as funny as I was expecting - but pretty darn funny. I think it would have been better to hear Sedaris tell the stories - and I think the fact that I was reading the large print edition interfered. But it still is definitely worth reading.

Photo of Christina Wells
Christina Wells@christinaw
2 stars
Oct 4, 2021

Hmm, this is the 2nd David Sedaris book I've read, and I think I'm just going to give up. Some of his writing is witty and quite funny, but I personally just can't get into his format. It reads like a series of short stories, where I prefer a more linear storyline. His writing is amusing, but not wholly entertaining. As much as I want to enjoy his books, because there are some funny bits in there, I think I'm throwing in the towel on this author.

Photo of Kourtney
1 star
Oct 3, 2021

I wanted to like this book. I looked through my friend recommendations and saw a lot of 4- and 5-stars. I was told time and time again that he was SO FUNNY and he is a bestseller after all. And we all know that crowds of people can't be wrong. This book elicited exactly 2 chuckles out of me. Two. No more, no less. I sat there reading stories always thinking "how is this funny? How does anyone find this amusing? Do I need to move to Paris to think it's funny?" I just don't "get" this type of humor. Oh well.

Photo of Ben Nathan
Ben Nathan@benreadssff
3 stars
Sep 15, 2021

Good, funny, quirky. I enjoyed it and will probably want to read something else of his, but I wasn't in love with it. Want some well written short personal essays, this is the way to go.

Photo of audrey
3.5 stars
Sep 2, 2024
Photo of April Tan
April Tan@aprilmelody93
2 stars
Jul 7, 2024
Photo of Wonko the Sane
Wonko the Sane@wonko
4 stars
Nov 25, 2023
Photo of Morgan Kash
Morgan Kash @morgankash
4 stars
Aug 16, 2023
Photo of Alex Stelzhammer
Alex Stelzhammer@a_stelzhammer
4 stars
Jul 23, 2023
Photo of Dalia Ergas
Dalia Ergas@dalia
5 stars
Jul 8, 2023


Photo of Mari-Claire Parrin
Mari-Claire Parrin@mariclaire

I asked myself, 'Who wants to be handcuffed and covered in human feces?' And then, without even opening my address book, I thought of three people right off the bat.

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