Men At Arms

Men at Arms is the second book I've read for the Beach Blanket Bonanza. My husband (whom I originally introduced to Pratchett's books) has been selecting the best of the Discworld books for me to read and I have been enjoying these reading "assignments" thoroughly. Men at Arms is the next in the "Night Watch" group of books. Vimes is on the eve of his retirement from the watch and about to get married. Meanwhile, bodies are showing up in Ankh-Morpork and a new weapon has been stolen. Carrot and a bunch of new recruits set out to solve the mystery and retrieve the weapon before all hell breaks loose. In Men at Arms, Pratchett sets aside the puns (for the most part) to work on world building and fleshing out his characters. Ankh-Morpork begins to feel like a believable working (as well as it ever does) city. Carrot grows as a character and is rapidly becoming one of my favorites (but then everyone likes Carrot). Best of all, there is an honest to goodness mystery (and hence plot) in Men at Arms. It was one of the best mysteries I've read this year with enough clues to get me close to solving it but still tricky enough for some surprises.

S’ok. Identity politics and gun control – so, a very American British fantasy. Works: my audience squealed in horror at the right places, the deaths of fond characters. (Read aloud)

I'm continuing my adventures in Discworld, with the next Night Watch novel, Men at Arms. I loved Guards!Guards! (I read it twice in fact) and equally loved Men at Arms for its humor and charm and its cleverness. Plus, Pratchett's world-building is great. You just want to spend all your time in Ankh-Morpork. This is a sign of excellent fantasy. In Men at Arms, The Night Watch has grown considerably because of the Patrician’s order to recruit members of different species so they are represented in the Watch. This not only brings us hilarious banter between the troll, Detritus, and the dwarf, Cuddy – two races that generally hate each other, even though neither could tell you why. It also brings us Angua, who most people think has been recruited to represent women in the Watch. Well… she does that, but she also happens to be a werewolf. Each character has his or her own story line that we follow throughout the book. Detritus and Cuddy in particular were my favorites. The Guard are also bracing themselves for Captain Vimes’ imminent departure and retirement upon his wedding to Lady Ramkin (who we met in Guards!Guards!- remember the dragon tamer?), to happen in a matter of days from the novel’s opening. Captain Vimes is not so sure this is what he wants but this thought is not yet exactly formulated inside his mind. That’s when the murders start. They seem random at first but the Guard – and especially Captain Vimes – realize that they might not be that random after all. Then they get acquainted (too closely, and dangerously so) with the mysterious “gonne” (HAHAHA). A thing that can control minds (and hands) and that can kill. The Patrician then tells Captain Vimes that he should, not under any circumstances, investigate the matter any further. Plot-wise, this is a police procedural, complete with interrogating suspects, writing up police reports and figuring out whodunnit. Its funny but also a wise novel. Take for instance, one of my favorite characters, Carrot Ironfoundersson, Captain of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch police force. Bulging with muscles, this two metre (six-foot-six-inch) dwarf (adopted) remains honest, good-natured, and honourable despite the city's best efforts (particularly Vetinari's best efforts). It just seems like it is so hard to corrupt him and this makes his character so enduring. He is also the rightful heir to the throne of Ankh-Morpork. After learning of his lineage in Men at Arms, he confides in Vetinari that he wants the people to obey the law because it's the law, not because "Captain Carrot is good at being obeyed", and that he is content with his job of ringing a bell and yelling that all's well "provided of course that all is well". Carrots humility is profound. If only our politicians would learn to be humble and desire to do what is right instead of giving in to greed and lust for power.oh well... This book is humorous but its also profound. Pratchett has a way of talking about serious subjects (such as the quest for power) in a playful manner and I love him for it.

"THAT IS NOT UP TO ME. Death coughed. OF COURSE, ... SINCE YOU BELIEVE IN REINCARNATION ... YOU'LL BE BJORN AGAIN." "Vimes smiled. Someone was trying to kill him, and it made him feel more alive than he had been for days." "You dwarves really love gold, don't you?" "Of course we don't. Don't be silly....We just say that to get it into bed." Quite honestly, the only bad thing about this book was that it was over to soon. Everything from Death trying to be a people person to the satire on politics, affirmative action, racism, and any fantasy story in general makes this an enjoyable read.

'Be a MAN in the city watch! The city Watch needs MEN! But what its got includes Corporal Carrot (technichally a darf), Lance-constable Cuddy (really a dwarf), Lance-constable Detritus (a troll), Lance-constable Angua( a woman...most of the time)and Corporal Nobbs(disqualified from the human race for shoving) And they need all the help they can get. Because they've only got twenty-four hours to clean up the town and this is Ankh-Morpork we're talking about... A mysterious "gonne" has been wreaking havoc through Ankh-Morpork and the night watch have been officially tasked with not investigating. This of course means that Captain Vimes and his company will be investigating with upmost interest leading them on a wild chase around the city. Rumours of a king returned, many murders and a bridge collapsed fly through every street making it difficult to descern truth from lie. I really liked this book as it was fast-paced, humorous and had an interesting take on militarisation. Pratchett's witty remarks, innuendos and fantastical setting give a more light-heartedness to otherwise serious issues such as racism, sexism and guns.