Misadventures of a Virgin

I love Meredith Wild's Hacker series, so I figured I would also love this book... yet I didn't. This book is your typical post-YA novel. Teenagers who were once together find some feelings for each other years later... Typical trope! If you're looking for an exciting, over the top plot in regards to this typical trope, you won't find it here. It was very typical, but it was very sexy. Meredith Wild is great at writing sex scenes. She's especially good with writing a story for a dominant male and a submissive female. The book is hot, so if you want some crazy, hot sexy time scenes then you've got it! Meredith Wild is over the top with her descriptions, and it makes so some really great scenes. She's got a five out of five that aspect of the book. Unfortunately, the typical plot and slow build left me feeling a little short. It just felt to typical for me, and I'm almost disappointed in myself for not enjoying it! I love Meredith's writing, but it just didn't sit well (for me, personally). My favourite part of this whole novel was Meredith's choice in wording. The metaphors she uses to describe pain and desire are fantastic! She's definitely talented! You'd enjoy this book if you enjoy erotica, second chance romances, a splash of BDSM or romance. Overall, it was definitely a hot read! But personally, it fell flat and felt very average in the land of Meredith Wild romances. Although, I would be interested in reading the rest of the series if they come across my path. Three out of five stars.