You had me at hello

You had me at hello

What happens when the one that got away comes back? Find out in this sparkling debut from Mhairi McFarlane. 'Think of the great duos of history. We're just like them.' 'You mean like Kylie and Jason? Torvill and Dean? Sonny and Cher?' 'I think you've missed the point, Rachel.' Rachel and Ben. Ben and Rachel. It was them against the world. Until it all fell apart. It's been a decade since they last spoke, but when Rachel bumps into Ben one rainy day, the years melt away. They'd been partners in crime and the best of friends. But life has moved on: Ben is married. Rachel is not. Yet in that split second, Rachel feels the old friendship return. And along with it, the broken heart she's never been able to mend. Hilarious, heartbreaking and everything in between, you'll be hooked from their first 'hello'.
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Photo of Riya
2 stars
Feb 9, 2024

Some dialogues are really sexist and dated so I got turned off. Lines like “you’re not like other girls”, or “you could get anyone because you’re a girl” just infuriated me. It would have been okay if a secondary character had said all this but the ml said this, which instantly made me feel withdrawn from the story. Like how is anyone suppose to find their romance swoony when they say stuff like this? Not only this, I couldn’t connect with the characters or root for them to get back together. Overall, the story fell flat for me.

Photo of Melsriana
4 stars
Jan 22, 2023

I find the beginning of the book was a bit dull but as I read it, I was hooked till the last page and I fell in love with it. Gosh, I can imagine the frustration of finally having the person that you have wanted to be with for years right in front of you but couldn't, due to the fact that he's in a relationship with someone else and you have to act like you're okay with that every time..... You should give this book a try. It might bring some impacts on you. Well it kinda did to me

Photo of Thais Souza Passos
Thais Souza Passos@thaayp
5 stars
Oct 22, 2022

This book has become one of my favorites, alongside with The Selection trilogy, Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, and Twilight <3 It's so sweet, so cute, so funny and so full of romance and love and everything. Mhairi McFarlane, you really had me at hello <33

Photo of Tierney Ahad
Tierney Ahad@tierneyclarke
4 stars
Mar 30, 2022

I really enjoyed this book. Easy read, but found myself wanting to always pick it up to find out what was going to happen to the love interests. Also some of the lines from other characters in the book made me laugh. A recommended read

Photo of Ella Zegarra
Ella Zegarra@ellieroth
3 stars
Jan 9, 2022

3.5 De verdad quise odiar este libro, odiarlo mucho, destruirlo y que nadie más lo lea. ¿Por qué? Más allá de que los primeros capítulos se me hicieron difíciles de seguir, me daba a entender que la trama iría de un modo que me haría sentir incómoda. Pero. Pero quería saber si mis sospechas eran ciertas y el libro no tenía originalidad y apuntar a la cara de la escritora y decirle "HA-HA ya lo sabía", pero si bien se me hizo tedioso el inicio, después solo no pude parar de leer, a mi reader se le acabo la batería y estaba pegada al tomacorriente leyendo. Como dije pensé que este libro sería plano de leer, pero una vez que los flashbacks empiezan, el dolor empieza, te enamoras de este amistad, y sabes con clarísima certeza que es ésta la forma correcta (en teoría) como una gran romance podría empezar pero también por lo que el libro te cuenta sabes no pasó. “...the life with him you feel like you lost out on, it’s perfect because it’s a fantasy and it’s a fantasy because it’s perfect.” Ben y Rachel son asquerosamente adorables, lo que el libro nos dices es ¿Qué pasa si encuentras a la persona correcta y no te das cuenta y encima no es el momento adecuado? Y también ¿Qué pasa si sabes con certeza es la persona correcta pero aún así sigue siendo un momento inadecuado? ¿Qué haces? La segunda "oportunidad" de Rachel y Ben sentía que iba hacerme incómoda si se desarrollaba descaradamente, solo que la escritora me sorprendió no cayendo en lo fácil y eso incluso que mis emociones estuvieran mucho más enredadas, porque si bien me gustó como al final uno de los personajes reacciona, me hizo sentir mal por el otro, porque sí, estaba mal, no era el momento pero es que... es que... You Had Me at Hello para mí no fue perfecto, alguna veces se exageraba con las descripciones y tuve que saltarme párrafos, pero eso fue sólo al inicio, pero fue una historia que disfruté mucho leer. Aunque para mí hubiera sido perfecto si el libro terminaba en el penúltimo capítulo. Éste libro es sobre tomar decisiones y no dejar que se tomen solas, sobre perder el miedo porque después será demasiado tarde. Vas a reír, vas a desesperarte y enamorarte de la falta de cronometraje de esta dos personas. Twitter || Blog || Pinterest || Tumblr || Instagram

Photo of Gemma Cameron
Gemma Cameron@lilacbleedsuk
4 stars
Nov 16, 2021

I'm in total shock I was gripped from chapter 10 just thinking who is going to crack first just wow and I love it

Photo of Kat Kooiman
Kat Kooiman@katk
3 stars
Oct 19, 2021

Very cute, also quite "safe" as far as romances go.

Photo of b.andherbooks
3 stars
Oct 9, 2021

I enjoyed the setting (UK) and the characters, especially the banter between Rachel and her friends (more Mindy and Iver please). I will definitely read more of McFarlane, I just didn't really connect with this love story as much as I'd hoped. Personally I don't enjoy love stories that resolve with a (view spoiler)[married man finally leaving his wife for his true one and only (hide spoiler)], but that's just me.

Photo of Sarah
Sarah @scrappyreadermum
4 stars
Aug 31, 2021

4.5 stars. This was so good. I was a bit iffy about the relationship with Ben and Rachel but writing their past slowly through the book was brilliant. My investment in this book went up and up. If I didn’t work so much this would have been finished a lot earlier. (Also the ten others I was reading 😅) This author did a terrific job. Her characters felt so real and enjoyable to me. I even liked Rhys who was the man in the way 😂 Mindy was a bit annoying with her stupid view on men but she was also fun and a great friend. I can’t praise this book enough

Photo of Hannekei
2.5 stars
Jun 2, 2022
Photo of Rachael Blakey
Rachael Blakey@bookish_grl
3.5 stars
Jan 31, 2022
Photo of azliana aziz
azliana aziz@heartinidleness
4 stars
Jan 13, 2024
Photo of 🦌
3 stars
Jan 7, 2024
Photo of Kate Lillie
Kate Lillie@lilliek1
5 stars
Aug 2, 2023
Photo of Martin Ackerfors
Martin Ackerfors@ackerfors
3 stars
May 5, 2023
Photo of sabah
5 stars
Apr 25, 2023
Photo of Cristian Garcia
Cristian Garcia@cristian
3 stars
Feb 5, 2023
Photo of camilla
5 stars
Jan 18, 2023
Photo of Samantha Potts
Samantha Potts@sampotts54
3 stars
Dec 2, 2022
Photo of Emelie
3 stars
Oct 31, 2022
Photo of Wren Elliott
Wren Elliott @wren
3 stars
Oct 9, 2022
Photo of Kristina Sanders
Kristina Sanders@ksanders013
3 stars
Oct 6, 2022
Photo of Tia Malt
Tia Malt @tee1998
4 stars
Aug 26, 2022
Photo of Amber Brianne
Amber Brianne@bookbrianne
5 stars
Aug 14, 2022