Archer's Voice

Archer's Voice

Mia Sheridan2018

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Photo of Victoria Oge-Evans
Victoria Oge-Evans@vicky-oe-44
5 stars
Mar 15, 2025

a very beautifully written complex character wow

Photo of Clara
4 stars
Aug 21, 2024

Amazing, so heartfelt and touching. It is such a deep book and with so many layers. I’m glad Archer was able to get his happy ending that he deserved.

Photo of Maja
2 stars
Jul 30, 2024

Zapowiadało się dobrze, ale niestety tak nie było

Photo of Kirsten Kim
Kirsten Kim@kirstenkim
1 star
Jul 22, 2024

never trusting a steph bohrer rec again

Photo of prawnie
4 stars
Jul 1, 2024

the main characters stories are amazing. love love love it!

Photo of logan lea
logan lea@logss
5 stars
Jun 26, 2024

** spoiler alert ** it was cute literally 5 stars up until when he randomly died in the damn diner LOL???? then came back to life like 10 lines later but ig i can look past that

Photo of Ilham
5 stars
Jun 8, 2024


Photo of a
4 stars
May 21, 2024


Photo of kalenga
kalenga @sillkpetalls
3 stars
May 15, 2024

i’m giving this one a very light three stars. i really enjoyed the first half and the development of the relationship, a lot of the characters were enjoyable to read about and the writing was nice and simple to follow. the only thing that makes my rating a bit shaky is the pacing at the end of the book, some events that took place in the second half as well as how it seemed to drag a little for me at the ending. other than that it was a great read to start my reading year off.

Photo of clau☁️
3 stars
May 11, 2024

3 i did not like the writing, it felt very tell instead of show. i liked the story and i loved archer but i feel this book is overrated. it has some things i found a bit problematic🥲

Photo of miu
5 stars
May 5, 2024

"don't run from me, I can't call to you. Please don't run from me" my heart 💔

Photo of Totally Addicted to Reading
Totally Addicted to Reading@ttlyadd2reading
4.75 stars
Apr 27, 2024

Archer's Voice is one of the most touching and exquisitely written stories I have had the pleasure of reading. The author did an incredible job of evoking powerful emotions while providing striking visuals. This breathtaking story of survival, healing, and unconditional love should be on every romance reader's reading list

Archer's Voice is the first book in the Where Love Meets Destiny series. It's also my first experience with Mia Sheridan's work. The story hidden in the pages was sweet, low on angst, and heartbreaking, but it left me feeling good in the end.

I was hooked from the start, and soon I was invested in the story and Bree and Archer's lives. This demonstrated the brilliance of the author's writing style.

Archer, although not the typical romance hero, is someone readers will have no problem falling in love with. Mysterious, silent, broken, withdrawn, protective, misunderstood, and caring are words one could use to describe Archer's persona. He endured so much pain and loss in the twenty-three years of his life. In the midst of all the pain, he presented a brave front. I enjoyed seeing him grow as the story developed.

Bree is a brave and compassionate woman. She, too, experienced her share of loss and pain. An experience that saw her leaving home for a small town in Maine. She never expected to find hope, peace, and, most of all, love.

As individuals, they were great, and together, they made a beautiful couple. Their romance gives the reader all the feels. Slow burn with lots of heat. Everything about their relationship, from their first meeting to their friendship and subsequent romance, felt authentic. I loved that Bree never took advantage of his naiveté, and she gave him space to become a better version of himself. The manner in which Archer cared for Bree will have die-hard romance readers swooning.

While the story focused mainly on the romance, it also had some suspenseful moments that occurred near the end. A moment where my heart leapt to my throat. However, it all worked out, and the story ended on a beautiful and happy note.

Archer's Voice delivered a story of hope and healing. Love has the power to heal, it brings hope and changes lives, and Archer's Voice aptly demonstrated this. If you haven't read this book, then I urge you to do so as soon as possible

Photo of Sofie I
Sofie I@sofiereads1
3.5 stars
Apr 17, 2024

I thought the book was really sweet. The love is deep and intimate. The only reason I gave it a 3.5 was because it was WAY more spicy than i expected at all and I’m just not a fan of books like that (there is a lot in it). But the story overall was very wholesome and I loved the characters. Just might not read again.

Photo of cee
3 stars
Apr 2, 2024

** spoiler alert ** 2.5 rounded up to 3 cut as much as you want, bree. well, what do you want? i’ll do whatever you’d like. i want you to like it. do whatever you want. I WILL EAT THIS TYPE OF STUFF EVERYTIME. men letting their women do whatever she wants with his appearance >> BARK BARK BARK BARK the plot for every romcom books is lowkey redundant and it’s getting kinda boring at this point because it’s all so predictable. but this is an easy book to read, no slow burn (which i like) perfect to read if you’re slowly feeling yourself in a reading slump. not much to say about this. i love the characters. bree and archer just fits right and their relationship dynamic duo is nice. i will fix you the way you fixed me gf x i don’t want to put that burden on your shoulders so i’m going to leave for a few months to truly find myself bf i almost dnf-ed when travis took archer to a strip club and archer got a lap dance from his childhood crush and she gave him a hickey because I KNOW how it will end. bree will see, she’ll think archer cheated and blah blah blah blah BORING next!! there’s some cringe part but it’s nothing too bad like when bree bumped into archer the first time and she kept rambling like SHUT UP (i’m just a hater) but they’re cute <3 i also lowkey hate backstories that involves dead parents and car crash and being k* worded (for no reason??? bree’s father was a deli owner and got k* i was like wtf ?? that’s so random) cuz… come on now be original but whatever i guess it’s for the plot. it’s what brought the two mcs together (also the smut in every page?? GOOD LORD.)

Photo of Cass Paul
Cass Paul@cannacass
3.5 stars
Mar 18, 2024

I enjoyed this book for what it was, though I do believe it had the potential to be so much more. Some parts fell flat, others felt a little rushed and some parts I just wanted more.

I don’t think I would reread it again but I definitely wouldn’t discourage anyone from giving it a whirl because it was good. Just not…. Enough? Though I think my biggest issue is that I need more POV chapters from Archer.

Photo of Nena
5 stars
Mar 18, 2024

In love with this story. It gives you all of the emotions. I laughed and I cried and felt everything in between. ♥️

Photo of Isabella
Isabella @iscbella
3 stars
Mar 13, 2024

The emotions I felt while reading this; I was on a rollercoaster. It was very heartwarming.

Photo of Edna Aviles
Edna Aviles@avilese07
5 stars
Feb 9, 2024

Loved this book! I want me an Archer & the steamy scenes were definitely steamy. This book and one other have been the only ones to make me cry 🥲🫶.

Photo of avenlaming
5 stars
Jan 22, 2024

♾️/ 5 i don’t know why it took me so long to read this book but omg it was worth it. i wanted to cry during those last few chapters, i just love Archer sm

Photo of micah
4 stars
Jan 13, 2024

I just read the book in 2 days and it was great

Photo of Wyn
4.5 stars
Jan 12, 2024

Originally 5/5 in my goodreads, but changed it to 4.5 bc of some parts in the book that had grammar lapses. Overall this is one of my favorite books of all time <3

Photo of addie
3.5 stars
Jan 10, 2024

“Loving another person always means opening yourself up for hurt”

I've read this book a while ago and I loved it, became one of my favorites for life, gave it four stars without thinking twice, cried rivers. After rereading, I'm not quite sure my opinion stays the same (in spite of really being a lovely romance book).

The story itself is very intriguing. Bree has a lot to take in after a recent trauma—Her mother died, she lost her father to a drug addict, suffered a rape attempt and someone she thought to be her friend tried to take advantage of her sensitive state. Pretty heavy, if you stop to think. In order to recover herself, Bree moves temporarily to a small tourist town where she used to spend time with her parents. There, she hears rumours about a silent brooding guy who's been sort of isolated from the rest of the city for some mysterious reason no one really likes to talk about (or doesn't know enough to discuss anyway). The thing is that Bree starts suspecting that maybe Archer doesn't speak because he can't—maybe a hearing disability? That's what she wants to discover to help the man who might have the same disability as her father.

There were many repetitive terms like “whiskey-coloured eyes” and even the characters thinking something and saying this very same thing right after (Example: At some point, Bree thinks “Vitoria Hale has been too radio silence”. Someone asks her how does she feel, and she answers something like “I don't know, Victoria Hale has been too radio silence these days, is suspicious” with the very same words.) It gave me the impression of a lack of revision as if the author hadn't read her own book before publishing or at least didn't mind the lack of variation in the writing. Another detail is the constant mention of “male” and “female” as characteristics (Example: “female scent”, “a male pride”, “male authority”). I felt like watching Animal Planet with a narrator describing how the lioness would mat with a lion, I don't know. Quite a cringe experience for me. However, besides those things, it was pretty decent compared to other romance books. Very objective and straightforward.

They're characters’ development all start well but, later on, are not very well-executed, in my opinion. The backstory for them is amazing and heavy, there is a lot of room to discuss mental health, trauma, violence, and misogyny (not that is an obligation, of course, but as I said: The author gave a really heavy background to some characters. It feels irresponsible or at least lazy not to develop them in their context). They change pretty roughly in a blink of an eye with no much development to be seen (Although the main characters get a little of it, other ones like Travis and Bree's friends from her city change their personalities pretty quick with not much explanation except "that's the right thing to do" or whatever).

Photo of Victoria
Victoria @murphyvm
3 stars
Jan 9, 2024

** spoiler alert ** SPOILERS! This book is a hallmark movie with a side of thrill (if you can even call it that). I lost interest after they fell for each other which was about halfway through. Then I was just strung along to such an unrealistic ending where Victoria Hale found the guy who killed her dad and brought him to Pelion to kill her?! Like, do you really have nothing better to do than indirectly kill someone that literally poses almost zero threat to your mayorship in a small town? I was over it by then. All in all -the book got 3 ⭐️ because of the first half and then the last chapter where the author makes you think Archer is dead but he survives a shot in the stomach and wakes up from a coma 3 weeks later.

Photo of Sarah Perez
Sarah Perez@sarahlovesfiction
4.5 stars
Jan 9, 2024

This book made me feel every single human emotion! Anger, frustration, suspense, love, and heartbreak were laced throughout the book. I loved it!!


Photo of Julia

It suddenly occurred to me that Archer Hale had taught himself an entire language, but hadn't had a single person to talk to.

Until me.

Photo of Annika McClintock
Annika McClintock@annikarose27

But don't you see, I had to fight for myself first. I had to feel like I was someone worthy of winning you.

Page 307
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Photo of Annika McClintock
Annika McClintock@annikarose27

tucking a piece behind my ear, his eyes told me everything his voice couldn't. We communicated a thousand words, without a single one being spoken.

Page 138
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Photo of Annika McClintock
Annika McClintock@annikarose27

Maybe there was no right or wrong no black or white, only a thousand shades of gray when it came to pain and what we each held ourselves responsible for.

Page 98
Photo of Annika McClintock
Annika McClintock@annikarose27

Sometimes an understanding silence was better than a bunch of meaningless words.

Page 84
Photo of Annika McClintock
Annika McClintock@annikarose27

They don't know who you are, Archer. They have no idea. And they don't deserve to know, Don't let their judgment hurt you.

Page 69
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Photo of Bella

I walked her to the front door and slid my flip-flops on that I needed to throw the rotting roses sitting on the table by my entry into the garbage. When I opened the door, I immediately saw something sitting on the mat on my porch. Confused, I bent down and picked it up. I sucked in a breath and then started grinning It was a "bouquet" of Almond Joy candy bars held together in the middle with a little piece of string, tied neatly in a bow. I turned it around in my hands, grinning stupidly, happiness blooming in my chest. I guessed this was an apology? Or...a ges- ture of friendship? What exactly did it mean? I groaned. This man! I laughed out loud, hugging the candy bars to me and then standing there, grinning like a fool some more. Awkward boy. Sweet, silent Archer Hale.

Page 132
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Photo of Bella

Thanks," I said. "I think I've got the rest of this." I waved my hand over the four remaining Almond Joys lying on the ground. I looked up at him, my cheeks heating again. "They were on sale," I explained. "I wasn't planning on eating these all at once or anything." He didn't look at me as he picked them up himself, but I swore I saw a minuscule lip twitch. I blinked and it was gone. I squinted at him, taking the candy bars from his hand. "I just like to keep chocolate around the house, you know, for a treat once in a while. This here should last me a couple of months." I was lying- What I had bought would last me a couple of days, if that. I might even eat several of them on the car ride home. The guy stood and so did I as I lifted my purse over my shoulder.

Page 20
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Photo of Bella

He looked up at me, frowning slightly. No. Do you have electricity? He looked at me with amusement. Yes, I have electricity, Bree. Doesn't everyone? I chose not to enlighten him to the fact that he kind of came off as someone who didn't necessarily have any modern conveniences. I tilted my head. Do you have a television? I asked after a minute. He shook his head. No, I have books. I nodded, considering the man in front of me. And all these projects that you do — stonework, gardening — you just teach them to yourself?

He shrugged. Anyone can learn to do anything if they have the time. I have the time.

Page 89
Photo of yen

“My mouth fell open when he raised his hand and signed, Goodnight, Bree. I leaned back against my car and grinned like a fool.”

Photo of yen

“I went to bed smiling, thinking, hoping, maybe I'd wake up smiling too.“

Photo of yen

“You didn't know if you could, but you made it another day, didn't you?”

Photo of yen

“I knew how to be quiet in this house. It was important that I knew how to be quiet in this house.”

Photo of yen

“I knew how to be quiet in this house. It was important that I knew how to be quiet in this house.”

Photo of Salomé Gleusteen
Salomé Gleusteen @scoobydoebiedoo

“Don't run from me, I said. I can't call to you. Please don't run from me.”

Page 335
Photo of Ivory Flores
Ivory Flores@ivoryf25

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“You don't like thunderstorms,” he answered.

I tilted my head, confused. “You walked a mile in the I don't like thunderstorms?”

He hesitated for a second, looking away, frowning slightly. Then he looked back at me and said simply, “Yes.”

AGGRVHBHRG!!! All I want is some damn flowers.

Photo of wendy

It suddenly occurred to me that Archer Hale had taught himself an entire language, but hadn't had a single person to talk to. Until me.

Page 91
Photo of raia – inactive
raia – inactive@raieuh

'She asked me the sign for love and I spelled out your name. I think love is a concept, and each person has an individual word for what sums it up for them. My word for love is Bree.'

Photo of raia – inactive
raia – inactive@raieuh

'Don't run from me. I can't call to you. Please don't run from me.'

Photo of raia – inactive
raia – inactive@raieuh

'There are so many ways to read you, Archer Hale. And I love every single one of them.'

Photo of raia – inactive
raia – inactive@raieuh

One day, he put a bowl of potato chips out while I was preparing us lunch and as I snacked on them, I noticed that they were all the folded ones that I loved, but usually had to hunt for.

I looked down at the chips and then up at Archer, confused. "All these chips… they're all folded," I said, thinking I sounded crazy.

'Aren't those the ones you like?'

Photo of raia – inactive
raia – inactive@raieuh

It was as if my body was his instrument and he learned to play it so perfectly that the melody vibrated within my very soul.

Photo of raia – inactive
raia – inactive@raieuh

Awkward boy. Sweet, silent Archer Hale.

Photo of raia – inactive
raia – inactive@raieuh

I could figure out advanced masonry diagrams, but when it came to other people, I was lost. It was just easier to pretend they didn't exist at all.

he's just like me fr