
agatha christie u never fail to amaze me with ur writing.
I adore hercule and all his books are so fun to read, trying to figure out whos the killer (so far i have never guessed it, i should pay more attention) and getting to know all these interesting characters.
I loved how this book was written, especially the doctors pov. I love u hercule poirot.

I did not see that coming.

I am still baffled at how this mystery ends.

** spoiler alert ** I like that Agatha made me feel that as a reader, I am part of the mystery solving in this book. I have to admit that at first, I already suspected James that there is something that he is hiding or that he is not telling the truth. The moment when he is trying to convince Ackroyd to read the entire letter aloud with him inside the room, I make judgments already. I brushed off my judgment since he is the one beside Poirot while solving the mystery (just like what Poirot mentioned, he is like Hastings' counterpart). My perception deviated from James to the other characters, and I was astonished by the development of the story and the outcome of Poirot's investigation. I became excited when Poirot mentioned that he is planning to have his little conference because that only means that he already has his judgment and that he is positive as to who the murderer is. James, on the other hand, made a great plan for his murder. Such a clever move, but nothing, and no one can escape THE Hercule Poirot. Such a great book!

Even knowing how the story ended, this is definitely up there in my favorite Poirot stories. Something I love about the way AC writes mysteries is that we are never reading them from inside the mind of the detective. It allows for some of the facts and stories and knowledge that Poirot has to escape our notice and still remain surprised by the outcome

** spoiler alert ** oh my GOD!! i should've loved it regardless of being spoiled of who the real murderer was for the idea of an unreliable narrator was just!!!!!! so clever & mind-blowing to me, a clueless reader. i absolutely adore the cosiness agatha christie's novels induce in the brain— how it makes you want to curl up on the windowsill w a full cup of hot tea!!!!! its just that im absolutely a whore for the ~vibes~

I've been reading Agatha Christie's mysteries on and off for twenty years. The recent series four episode "The Unicorn and the Wasp" of Doctor Who piqued my interest in The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (1926). It is her third Hercule Poirot mystery and one of her most controversial novels for its twist ending. Like many early detective novels, the Hercule Poirot isn't the narrator of the mystery. Just as Sherlock Holmes has Dr. John Watson, Hercule Poirot in this mystery has Dr. James Sheppard. As they are strangers, Sheppard's insights into Poirot are flawed. At first he mistakes the man for a hair dresser. He even gets his name wrong, rendering it as Porrott until he is later corrected. Sheppard tells an interesting story and seems likeable but he's terrible at getting to the facts of case. With Sheppard being too unreliable of a narrator, the role of confidant and partner falls on the shoulders of the reader. It's the formula of Columbo and Criminal Intent. Even if you spot the twist early on, like I did, the book is still an interesting psychological drama between the hunter and his prey.

i've seen through it but still sheppard is an interesting character his existence is the only good thing about that book otherwise it's tedious..sorry

oooof she got me good... I hate her so fuckin much right now. Every time I think I got it she's like nah bitch guess again lol

i feel like i did myself a bit of a disservice reading this one right after The Unexpected Guest, but I was nevertheless stumped until the last few chapters who our killer may be. i love the environments and stories christie has created, so thrilling yet so cozy.

A reread. Still a 5 but knowing the end does lessen the thrill. Listened to it this time and do not recommend it, read it in print.

Incredible - I loved every minute of this book. What an oddly delightful read! The narrative is, of course, intentionally mysterious and thrilling, but it's also incredibly funny. I loved seeing Poirot from this perspective, and it endeared me to his character even more.
Definitely my favorite of the Poirot mysteries I've read, and probably my favorite story by Christie. Like, duh it's a classic for a reason!! It's enlightening to read a book that went on to influence so many modern works. This is The Quintessential sleepy-english-town-murder-mystery, and I really enjoyed seeing the trope's origins.
And naturally, the curious town gossip Miss Caroline was such a highlight.

This might be the greatest mystery story ever written.

Raced through it as expected. I might be discovering Agatha Christie way too late but man am I enjoying it.

I must say that this is one of my favorites of Agatha christie's books and being a very big lover of Murder mysteries and things like that I think this is one of the books that is a trend setter. It gives you the chills, it makes you suspect a number of people and then in the end you have this big shock I am sure you will have a very big shock and it's wonderful. This is my favourite hercule poirot book it really is one of them where you really see how his mind works his grey cells work.

DNF on page 28, very boring because nothing interesting was happening for a town that is so into gossips. I'm not convinced to read any more than I already did and would like to, one day, sell this paperback in hopes someone would appreciate it better than I did. I'll probably reread at a later time, but for now, here is my disappointment.

Second time reading it and loved it even more. I was able to see all the half-truths, lies, and red- herrings that she buried in the narrative, and it made me rediscover Christie's genius.

Probabilmente il migliore dei libri gialli della Christie. Un finale assolutamente inaspettato che sottolinea il genio della Regina del Giallo. Consigliatissimo!

You can't anticipate when it hits you, but at that moment it's all going to make a lot more sense!

everytime I read her books I feel dumb at the end,, the plot twist🤌🏼

Wow okay I did not see that coming and yet it makes total sense 🤯 I know now how Agatha Christie earned her title as the Queen of Mystery. She had me fooled this whole book 😑 In case anyone’s wondering, I will be staring at the wall for the next hour. 🫢

Not one of my favorites due to its shortness -- too much is crammed in too little time, unnecessary narrative frame, very similar in structure to other short stories of hers.


+ 1/2

No insisto, porque me enteraré de todo a su debido tiempo.