The Presence Process A Healing Journey Into Present Moment Awareness
We no longer need to feel that the path tread by most of humanity is one of quiet desperation. In The Presence Process (TPP), we now have a sensible step-by-step procedure that empowers us to heal the ghosts from our past so we can live liberated lives - Now.What was hard to explain has now been written. What was previously assumed to be a peaceful territory available only to "spiritual adepts" is now open to all. By simply reading this book, our perceptions are cleansed. By participating experientially in TPP, our life experience enters healing.In showing us how to step beyond our personal physical, mental, and emotional afflictions and addictions and by empowering us to facilitate ourselves into wholeness, TPP takes a bold new step into a new paradigm of healthcare.The lucid flow of the text magnetically and gently draws us into a transformational experience of the vibrant radiance of present moment awareness - where we find our liberation, our healing, and our innate wisdom.