French Fluency 1

French Fluency 1 Glossika Mass Sentences

Glossika Mass Sentences * Fluency training for serious language learners. * Recommended for High Beginners (A1 A2) as Supplementary Training to your current studies; some working knowledge required; good for brushing up or breaking through a plateau. * Vocabulary Index included (includes varying pronunciations of each conjugation/declension with a frequency count). * 1000 bilingual sentences with pronunciation guide in phonetic International Phonetic Alphabet with liaisons. * Accompanies the audio sold separately at, which includes hands-free spaced repetition. * Authentic and informal language use by native speakers, gradually building up sentence structures. FEATURES: * Serves as reference material to the audio training. * Lots of repetition of key syntactic components and vocabulary. * Introduces how to render foreign names and placenames in natural dialogue (with appropriate declensions and conjugations). * All sentences are bilingual in format and includes International Phonetic Alphabet to help you master the correct pronunciation (in phonetic form, which means we write out all the liaisons between words). * Informal, friendly language. Formal language used where appropriate. * Covers the following syntactic structures: predicates, adjectives, nouns, present and past verbs, habitual, continuous and completed actions INCLUDES: * If you're serious about getting fluent in 3 months, follow our intensive schedule to finish Fluency 1-3 in 3 months. * Each book trains 1000 sentences, with Fluency 1 surpassing more than 1000 vocabulary words used in context and collocations. SAMPLE (some letters may not display correctly on your screen, so you can get the embedded font editions from directly): 278: We often sleep late on weekends. Nous faisons souvent la grasse matinee les week-ends. nu fᵊzɔ̃ suvɑ̃ la ɡʁas matine le wikɛnd ] 383: What do you usually do on weekends? Que fais-tu d'habitude les week-ends? ko fɛ ty d‿abityd le wikɛnd ] 434: What do you usually do on weekends? Que fais-tu generalement les week-ends? ko fɛ ty ʒeneʁalᵊmɑ̃ le wikɛnd ] 563: Why were you late this morning? - The traffic was bad. Pourquoi etais-tu en retard ce matin? - La circulation etait mauvaise. puʁkwa etɛ ty ɑ̃ ʁᵊtaʁ so matɛ̃ - la siʁkylasjɔ̃ etɛ movɛz ] 624: I enjoyed the party. How about you? Did you enjoy the party? J'ai aime la fete. Et toi? As-tu aime la fete? ʒ‿ɛ eme la fɛt e twa a ty eme la fɛt ] 731: How fast were you driving when the police stopped you? A quelle vitesse conduisais-tu quand la police t'a arrete (♀arretee)? a kɛl vitɛs kɔ̃dɥizɛ ty kɑ̃ la polis t‿a aʁete (♀aʁete) ] 807: I've seen that woman before, but I can't remember her name. J'ai deja vu cette femme, mais je ne me souviens pas de son nom. ʒ‿ɛ deʒa vy sɛt fam mɛ ʒo no mo suvjɛ̃ pa do sɔ̃ nɔ̃ ] 821: Are you married? How long have you been married? Es-tu marie (♀mariee)? Depuis quand es-tu marie (♀mariee)? ɛ ty maʁje (♀maʁje) dᵊpɥi kɑ̃ ɛ ty maʁje (♀maʁje) ] 879: When was the last time you went to the movies? - Just last week. Quand es-tu alle (♀allee) au cinema pour la derniere fois? - La semaine derniere. kɑ̃ ɛ ty ale (♀ale) o sinema puʁ la dɛʁnjɛʁ fwa - la sᵊmɛn dɛʁnjɛʁ ] 974: We've lived in Paris for six (6) years. We lived in Paris for six (6) years, but now we live in Rome. Nous avons vecu a Paris pendant six ans. Nous avons vecu a Paris pendant six ans, mais maintenant nous vivons a Rome. nu z‿avɔ̃ veky a (...) pɑ̃dɑ̃ si z&#
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