Modern Art

Modern Art A Critque in Rhyme

The lives of the knuckleheaded artists, their splattered pictures, crooked statues, bumbled books, collapsing buildings, and other dumb things celebrated by curators, critics, carnival bakers, and clownish professors. Come! Enjoy this romp in rhyme, this tour of artsy Modern Art, that century-old old fashioned "new"; the anti-establishment, Establishment. Come! Laugh at those who look down their over-long noses at you, my good friends. A romp in rhyme, a tour of Modern Art, that century old fashion of the New, the anti-establishment Establishment, observed. The verses of Modern Art are intended to be employed like a rusty-nailed-fencepost in the hands of a bully by which you may beat pretentious modernists about the head, repeatedly. The author leaves out no cheap trick of meter or of rhyme to drive home his point. He employs adolescent singsong, doggerel, slanting rhyme; in short, every mischief making device that he can borrow or invent is used in a manner that would shame lesser poets; yes, he stoops to conquer. In fact, conquest is his aim; his tactic, wit; his weapons, mudslinging, ridicule, name calling, and other dirty tricks of antique pedigree.
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