Arthur T

Arthur T I'll See My Way Home

They squatted, hidden between the moss covered buttresses of a rainforest giant. A small boy huddled under a man's big arms, partly seeking protection from the cool morning air, but mostly in an attempt to share as one, the miracle of the jungle sunrise with all it's color, it's noise and the movement in the air, tree tops and at ground level. As the sun blazed above the horizon, sounds and motion diminished. Five year old Arthur T., the top of his head still several inches shorter than his father's waist, looked at the huge tree beside them, it's girth the size of a walk-in closet, it's canopy nearly twice the height of the surrounding forest. "What's this tree called Papi?" "It's the Ceibo. It's the largest tree in the jungle."Little Arthur T.'s dark eyes scanned the vines, thick and thin, that hung straight as poles, from branches hundreds of feet above. "Could you climb those vines up to the top Papi?" "I don't think so Arthur T., but I bet a little monkey boy like you could." "I bet you could see the whole world from up there, Papi.""Not the whole world, mi hijo, but I bet you could see your way home.""That would be good, if you didn't know where to go.""Yes Arthur T., that would be a good thing to remember." Follow Arthur T. into the Amazon Jungle- will the skills he's learned as a child, the memories he has of moments with his father and his own strength he gained overcoming the bullies at his own highschool be enough to help him find his way home again?
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