

WHO KNEW THAT A CAREER IN DENTISTRY WOULD BE LIKE PULLING TEETH? Corrupt, cash-hungry, cut-throat con-men and crazies who'd spent time in the clink. The world of dentistry was not turning out quite the way Luke had expected - and then there were the patients to contend with too... Newly-qualified Luke was naïve. He'd thought dental practices were staffed by professional, caring people. He'd no idea he'd chosen a career in such a ruthless business where compassion is as rare as hens' teeth. Luke needed to wise up - and pretty damn quick! His ability to drill a tooth would count for nothing. His ability to bend the rules would be far more appropriate. While Luke is reeling from the shocking realities of working in an NHS dental practice, things go from bad to worse when Jack, his alcoholic dental partner, hires a non-English speaking receptionist purely because of her massive breasts. As the practice collapses into chaos and is threatened with closure, desperate measures are needed. Luke hits upon a plan to pay out-of-work actors to pretend to be patients in the hope of fooling the government inspectors. What could possibly go wrong...?
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