Modern Grimmoire Contemporary Fairy Tales, Fables and Folklore
Two hundred years ago, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm--better known as The Brothers Grimm--published their collection to ensure that the various German fables, tales and folklore of their age and before would not die out. Modern Grimmoire: Contemporary Fairy Tales, Fables & Folklore is a literary anthology in the Grimm persuasion. Awaiting you inside are the collected works of thirty-six emerging authors and artists from around the world. Through short fiction, poetry and artwork, you'll meet a talking cat-girl and a girl that talks to cats; librarians like you've never imagined and royalty like you always have; an ex-court painter, an all too persuasive frog, and an out-of-work wolfman. Some twist and twine their happily-ever-after predecessors in inventive ways; others craft entirely new magical faces and places. All collected, the anthology is ripe with sticky sweet revenge, altogether timely fates, and all-conquering (and conquesting) love.