Typo3 CMS Certified Integrator

Typo3 CMS Certified Integrator Exam Study Guide for the Official Tcci Certification

The TYPO3 CMS Certified Integrator (TCCI) exam is part of the official certification program of the TYPO3 Association and allows integrators to prove their skills in setting up and managing systems based on the open source enterprise content management system TYPO3. Over the past 10 years, countless IT experts have successfully passed the challenging exam, many of whom used this comprehensive study guide to be well prepared.The revised and updated 5th edition of the TCCI book covers all important areas of day-to-day business work of TYPO3 integrators. It includes 250 sample questions, possible answers and clear explanations as to which answers are correct and why. The questions were selected in close cooperation with the TYPO3 Education Committee and reflect the style of the exam questions.Michael Schams is an active and long-term member of the TYPO3 community and combines extensive experience with fresh ideas. He holds a master's degree in computer sciences, is an international advocate of open source technologies and regularly publishes articles in professional journals and online media. Previous editions of the book were written in collaboration with Patrick Lobacher, who is also the author of numerous other books on TYPO3.
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