Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis

Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis

This volume collects research papers in quantum probability and related fields and reflects the recent developments in quantum probability ranging from the foundations to its applications. Contents:Probability Measures in Terms of Creation, Annihilation and Neutral Operators (L Accardi et al.)Generating Function Method for Orthogonal Polynomials and Jacobi–Szegö Parameters (N Asai et al.)Multiquantum Markov Semigroups, Interacting Branching Processes and Nonlinear Kinetic Equations. Finite Dimensional Case (V P Belavkin & C R Williams)A Note on Vacuum-Adapted Semimartingales and Monotone Independence (A C R Belton)Regular Quantum Stochastic Cocycles have Exponential Product Systems (B V R Bhat & J M Lindsay)Quantum Mechanics on the Circle Through Hopf q-Deformations of the Kinematical Algebra with Possible Applications to Lévy Processes (V K Dobrev et al.)On Algebraic and Quantum Random Walks (D Ellinas)Dual Representations for the Schrödinger Algebra (P Feinsilver & R Schott)A Limit Theorem for Conditionally Independent Beam Splittings (K H Fichtner et al.)On Quantum Logical Gates on a General Fock Space (W Freudenberg et al.)On an Argument of David Deutsch (R Gill)The Method of Double Product Integrals in Quantisation of Lie Bialgebras (R L Hudson)Asymptotics of Large Truncated Haar Unitary Matrices (J L Réffy)Three Ways to Representations of BA(E) (M Skeide)On Topological Entropy of Quotients and Extensions (J Zacharias)and other papers Readership: Researchers in the fields of probability, mathematical physics and functional analysis. Keywords:Quantum Probability;Infinite Dimensional Analysis;Mathematical Physics;Lévy Processes;Interacting Fock Space;Quantum Markov ProcessesKey Features:Reflects recent developments in the fieldsAll the articles are contributed by renowned researchers
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