UNDER THE DIVI TREE True Love Needs No Reason

Matthew Crane, a retired detective, is flying to the island of Aruba to reunite with his wife after being released from a rehabilitation center. He meets Laura Baum, a psychologist interested in his story and why he seems to be so preoccupied and riddled with anxiety. Matthew decides to tell her his story. Flashback: Matthew dreams about a surprise trip to Paris he has planned for him and his wife. The following day, his wife awoke to find him unconscious. His biological clock has almost stopped. Matthew is rushed to the hospital. His best friend, a renowned Neurologist, gives him a battery of medical tests and finds his vital signs are perfect, and Matthew appears to be asleep and cannot be awoken. Weeks go by, and Matthew is transferred to a rehabilitation facility. Carol visits him daily and finds herself obsessed with finding out what is wrong with him. Matthew stops aging, his hair, nails, and beard stop growing. His pulse and blood pressure are always the same. He seems to be in a state of suspended animation. Has his biological clock stopped? Carol becomes the detective Matthew used to be and searches the world to answer this medical mystery. Matthew's doctor warns Carol about chasing magical cures that have no scientific value. Despite his warnings, through the internet, she discovers a doctor in Mumbai, India, who has been researching a rare medical disorder he has termed Trans-Suspension Meditation. Matthew is actually in a deep state of meditation. She learns her husband will awaken when his dream state ends. But is this doctor a charlatan, or is he real? The story evolves with flashbacks and loving memories from both characters that leave the viewer realizing that "True love needs no reason." A whirlwind trip to Paris takes place but is it only in his dreams? After eighteen months of daily visits, Carol is convinced by her daughter that she takes a vacation before she collapses from exhaustion. Her daughter tells her of the Paris surprise Matthew was planning. Two days later, she leaves for ten days, where they spent the last seventeen years on vacation as a couple. She is apprehensive about traveling alone but overcomes her anxiety and flies off to the Caribbean island. During her second day on vacation, Matthew's dream comes to an end. He awakens on his own in total confusion about where he is and what happened to him. The last eighteen months of his life are explained to him by his doctor and daughter. He finds his situation hard to believe but accepts it when he is shown a current newspaper. After a two-day medical workup, Matthew insists he is allowed to fly to Aruba to surprise and be reunited with Carol. This is where the story began. It is here that the story ends when his plane lands and he and Laura Baum part friends. Matthew surprises his wife on the beach, where they have always watched the sunset.
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