The Delicate Dependency A Novel of the Vampire Life
"... In Talbot's world, the vampires are the curators of history, the guardians of secrets dating back well before the time of Christ. Most importantly, they possess the secret to life eternal. In Talbot's novel four people learn enough of the vampires' world to draw close to the secret, to be positioned to accept the bargain that carries with it the terrible, unquenchable thirst. Dr. John Gladstone, a virologist who may hold the key to ending the vampires hidden rule forever. His daughters, one obsessed with immortality and one apparently beyond rational thought. Added to this tableau is the Lady Hespeth, whose motives remain obscure. Will the centuries-long reign of the vampires be ended? Or will one or more of the protagonists strike the hellish bargain that grants them eternity at the price of a delicate dependency?"-- http://www.centipedepress.com/horror/delicatedependency.html (as viewed on July 13, 2017).