Art of Adolf Hitler

Art of Adolf Hitler Ultimate Album of the Fuhrer's Artworks

Michael Walsh2018
Refusal to accept favourable aspects of a former foe reveals a weakness. Adolf Hitler's artworks, which on merit alone command higher prices than celebrated politically correct artists, are exceptional.One has only to post a picture of one of the former German chancellor's artworks, without revealing this artist's name, to harvest tributes. Yet, Adolf Hitler's art is rarely mentioned. If there is reason to pass comment it is never praising.Winston Churchill, portrayed by media as an artist, was no more than a dabbler and his works childlike. Yet, the unelected premier dismissed his adversary as a 'house painter'; a lie taken up by court historians and politically correct palace hacks.People deserve better. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. This outstanding selection of Adolf Hitler's paintings, drawing and watercolours speak for themselves. For this reason Art of Adolf Hitler is likely to be ignored by corporate media. This is a shame as censorship is repugnant from whichever quarter it comes.
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