Snow, Slides, and Scares

Snow, Slides, and Scares

In this engaging collection of three stories, author Michael Watson follows the adventures of brothers Toots and Toby. In the first tale, Toby, Toots, and the Snowman, the boys tell their new friends how they conquered a challenge while building a snowman, with the help of Guthree the seagull and Fivedive the duck. In Sixaz Sees Snow in the Desert, Fourtescue the camel and Sixaz the alphabet snake email Toots and Toby, wanting to know how to see snow and slide in the desert. Toby and Toots give them brilliant ideas. Will Fourtescue and Sixaz be able to have chilly and whizzy adventures? In the final story, Toots and Toby Save the Fishy Five, Toby and Toots visit their grandparents, who live near a canal. Their "Birthday Bunch" friends help them save the "Fishy Five" who live in the garden pond. Guthree reveals his 'secret' at a scary moment. Can Toby and Toot's Grandpa make the fishpond safe? Michael Watson has a home in North Yorkshire, England. Michael is a Quaker and tries to live his life in ways that bring peace, honesty, fairness and simplicity. He believes that children have great wisdom and can help humanity to talk and work together. Michael hopes to do mental health work in Northern Uganda. Snow, Slides, and Scares is the second book in a trilogy about the Birthday Bunch. The third book, Treasure, Trash, and Turtles has been published and Michael has recently finished the first book, Search, Secrets, and Spies. Publisher's website: http: //
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