The Algebra Conspiracy

The Algebra Conspiracy What the Educational Establishment Doesn't Want You to Hear

The Algebra Conspiracy is an irreverent, radical, politically incorrect, passionate challenge to the increasingly popular program of the educational establishment which requires every student to take two to four years of college-preparatory mathematics to earn a high school diploma. These well-meaning but misguided people are placing every secondary school student into Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry classes that they may not want, that they may not need to fulfill requirements for future employment, or that they may not be academically equipped to handle. This means, for instance, that a youngster who has trouble adding common fractions, computing with percents or even making change on a ten dollar purchase will nevertheless be required to pass Algebra and Geometry. In many school districts this is already creating an academic nightmare, as more and more math teachers are faced with the Hobson’s choice of either failing many of their students who simply cannot handle Algebra and Geometry, or handing out numerous “gift D’s,” or severely watering down the college-prep mathematics curriculum so more students can pass the classes. The author takes the controversial view that, the Age of Technology notwithstanding, a large percentage of today’s secondary school youngsters could, if allowed, live their entire adult working lives very comfortably without ever being forced to set foot in Algebra and Geometry classrooms. There are many other classes that these youngsters should be taking — such as cultural or practical arts electives — instead of wasting their time in college-prep math classes.
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