Retro & Vintage Design

Retro & Vintage Design

Retro is and vintage is cuit. The esthetics of past eras are back in style in the world of fashion, as well as interior and product design. Brands successfully reissue old originels, white creative profession- ais around the world design innovative products with a retro look. Their scope of inspiration extends from Bauhaus to Hip-Hop. This volume presents comebacks and new interpretations, products and styles Chat are more fashionable today Chan ever before. Between the opposing polos of nostalgie and high-tech, the designers proue their niftiness and sense of humor. Whether kidney-shaped tables, aviator glasses, or printable radios, the pastis returning full of charm and with a twinkle in the eye. Retro & Vintage Design serves as a reference book of design history and a source of inspiration for trend-setters at the same Lime.
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