Midnight Sun

Midnight Sun

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Photo of Riley Bell
Riley Bell@rikeyb
5 stars
Apr 16, 2024

I absolutely adored this book to my core. It’s been a very long time since I read the original series but conveniently I binge watched all the movies a few weeks ago. I know they are cringy but I DONT CARE. I sob for the fierce love that Bella and Edward have. It pulls at my heart and just makes me so happy that their love endures. But back to the subject at hand...Midnight Sun gives a great insight into Edward’s perspective on the beginning of their story. So much thought (a little too much) goes into every interaction with her. This is so momentous for Edward because he has lived 104 years not knowing a love like this AT ALL and having to live around a family where each of them have that. I don’t think it’s fair to condemn Edward so quickly and call him “creepy.” Obsession always gets a little close to crazy but we see that without his fascination with her, Bella way too easily could find herself in huge trouble. I totally understand his infatuation with this random human who manages to make him feel things he’s never felt before and ALSO block his unnatural ability which is curious enough by itself. As far as the rest of the story, I really enjoyed the glimpses into the other characters and especially the Cullen family. I loved reading Edward’s memories about their histories and his own dark past. It was really just interesting to get a look at the characters we really only previously saw through Bella’s human eyes. It was also cool to note how much was already into play in the story that we as the audience didn’t know before until Bella knew it. But with Edward’s and Alice’s extraordinary abilities it just makes sense that they knew those things ahead of time and of course kept them from Bella and therefore the audience. Those facts really drive Edward’s feelings and actions and I felt quite a lot of sympathy towards him. I will say that if you are not a huge fan of the series or even Team Edward, then this book is NOT for you. It’s quite slow and I was surprised how long it took to get to Bella meeting the family and *the baseball scene* that we all know and love. You may find yourself bored or even rolling your eyes at Edward’s overthinking and self-deprecation. Several times he is waiting for Bella to fear him and run away screaming to get away from her and he wishes she would because he believes she deserves better. Yes, the vampires are probably better in every physical and mental way possible than human beings. However, this side of the story helps us see just how painful it is for them to have lost the humanity they live around every day. Edward seriously doesn’t want to take the chance away from Bella to have a normal, happy, HUMAN life. Edward feels himself retaining some of his humanity through loving Bella but doesn’t want to risk her giving up just for him. He hates the idea of her losing her human life and that it would all be because she wouldn’t want to give him up; he really believes it is all his fault even though as Alice’s visions prove, Bella’s choice has a lot of weight on the matter. Again, I feel more sympathetic towards Edward and have more understanding for his wishes for her to graduate and at least marry him before he gives her want she wants. His greatest pain and anxiety is the possibility of being the cause of her life ending which drives his motivation to leave towards the end, another something we didn’t know was going to happen until later when it happened to Bella in New Moon. But as we all know anyway in the end he has to do it to save her from having no life at all. This book just gives us an enlightening perspective on Edward’s side and how strongly he hates the monster he believes himself be and that he’s brought such an existence into Bella’s future.

Photo of Isobel Machin
Isobel Machin@isobel1308
3.5 stars
Apr 7, 2024

edwards inner turmoil

Photo of Gracie Marsden
Gracie Marsden@marsdengracie
1 star
Jan 18, 2024

I wanted to like it, but about 20% of the way through the book, Edward's infantilization of Bella was too much to bear. Blegh, I give up.

Photo of Azalia devara
Azalia devara@azldvra
4 stars
Jan 13, 2024

** spoiler alert ** Read the indonesian translate book. Di dalam serial twilight sendiri disuguhi dengan sudut pandang dari karakter utama perwmpuan yaitu Bella Swan. Setelah berselang belasan tahun, akhirnya Stephenie Meyer mengeluarkan buku Midnight Sun yang mengangkat sudur pandang dari sang karakter utama pria yaitu Edward Cullen. Awalnya mungkin akan berpikir kesan yang ditimbulkan akan sama dengan kedan saat membaca dari sudut pandang Bella. Namun, sudut pandang yang Edward suguhi ini merubah sudut pandang awalnya. Banyak hal menarik yang Edward pikirkan yang sebelumnya tidak diketahui pada buku pertama. Banyak hal-hal yang Edward pilirkan dan bahkan banyak hal yang dia khawatirkan namun tidak dia tunjukkan. Di dalam buku juga ditunjukkan seberapa dalam rasa yang dimiliki oleh Edward kepada Bella dan bagaimana rasa bersalah yang dia tumpuk terus menerus dan dia pun selalu menyalahkan dirinya sendiri atas kejadian yang terjadi.

Photo of ཐིཋྀ
5 stars
Jan 7, 2024

** spoiler alert ** there’s something very personal about Edward thinking about killing Bella because his thirst for her was that intense that will always stay with me. If u get it u get it.

Photo of Hannah
4 stars
Dec 26, 2023

oh bella swan the beautiful and absolutely WRECK you are. Loved the Edward POV I think it puts a lot of perspective on the other books and was overall compelling. Some of the book was a bit boring and redundant but that’s just because it’s the same story so I don’t hold it against the book. I remember reading the first chapters on like a pdf in 2017 so this felt very fully circle. I love the pomegranate cover I think it suits it well.

Photo of Kayla Duncan
Kayla Duncan@0kraed6
5 stars
Nov 7, 2023

Edward thinks way too much. Lol. Love this book tho

Photo of Melissa Palmer
Melissa Palmer@melissapalmer404
4 stars
Nov 5, 2023

This is basicallly Twilight from Edward's point of view. It gives more insight into Edward and the Cullens. I enjoyed it.

Photo of Gina-Sophie Franz
Gina-Sophie Franz@ginasf
4 stars
Oct 13, 2023

Ich habe mich am Anfang schwer getan in das Buch reinzukommen.

Ich habe die Twilight Reihe vor Jahren gelesen und die Bücher damals geliebt. Es war schön die Geschichte nochmal aus einer anderen Perspektive erzählt zu bekommen.

Das Buch hat mich jedoch dennoch nicht vollkommen fesseln können.

Photo of Kendi Dockum
Kendi Dockum@kdockum88
5 stars
Aug 31, 2023

Ok, so, as far as Twilight goes, I'd rate the entire series at about a three. And that's only because I'm not a huge fan of Bella. But this story gives us the same story as Twilight, but from a completely different perspective- Edward's. Call me obsessed, but I've always had a fascination with the Cullens. And with the story being from Edward's POV, we get an inside look at the family dynamic that is the Cullens, and it was simply amazing. There's just no other word to describe it. I have never in my life been so excited to read a book, and I have never, EVER in my life been so engrossed in a book. It's rare for a book to hold my attention for long, and this book did it, and that in itself is saying something.

Photo of Alisha
Alisha @cyuutee
4 stars
Aug 30, 2023

Would give 5/5 for my simple, nostalgic love of the Twilight series but for honest reasons, it deserves a 4. Felt dragged out at some points. Loved most of the thought from Edward’s POV but does he ever stop overanalysing?? Lol. My heart is full after reading this though, happy it exists! Ty Steph x

Photo of becky oh
becky oh@olivepages
3 stars
Aug 18, 2023

Could a dead, frozen heart beat again? It felt as though mine was about to. This book wasn't that great (not surprised) but it was worth a shot. Twilight was not a series I liked that much, but surprisingly, I might've liked this one. Reading from Edward's POV was interesting, hearing people's mind and seeing from other people's view (?) was genuinely entertaining. Afterall, this is a Twilight novel that was like an answer book to Edward's act in the first book of this series. Because it makes so much sense reading from his POV, since we get to know why he was being so awkward around Bella and why he always said things to confuse Bella even more (including me). I would think that Midnight Sun was better than Twilight. The author improved a bit, but the lines from Twilight was same. Which, was very cringy to read but I got over it anyway. Twilight was not a book I would've praised, but Midnight Sun was something. I could see that it was written very carefully, and that Edward thought freely of things and his growing feelings (rather, insta love) was better than Bella being so stupid. The characters were even better for some reason. Yup, we get to know more about the Cullen family and their interesting mind (thanks to Edward for his 'gift'). Emmett, was even better for a brother than I thought he would be. He can be quite funny and serious at time-to-time but really, he's a nice vampire. Rosalie, was being an absolute bitch and being sour about everything, but she was nicer in the last book of the Twilight series (Breaking the Dawn). Alice made me think that she thinks everything is destiny. Like, she can see the future and think that we are 'meant' to be forever or be Besties instantly. That would've caused other people to think she's a weirdo in the Cullens, but throughout the book, I liked her eventually. Jasper, on the other hand wasn't mentioned a lot. He was in some scenes, but I felt that he didn't get to have some spotlight in the book. More like a character behind the scenes. Esme and Carlisle were an absolute darlings, being so sweet to Bella and all their (adopted) daughters and sons. I would say, the characters were likeable and some were just, ugh. Especially Jessica. I thought she was some girl that wanted to be friends with Bella and be happy, but from her mind, it has sour thoughts for her. She's a girl that likes to ditch their friends because they got what they intended to get. The plot in this book is the same as Twilight. Of course it has to be same because this is the Edward version of Twilight. What the characters say and do when Bella is around is absolutely same but some scenes were included when the Cullens were all together. So please, don't expect some new amazing story to just pop in because that doesn't happen. But I felt that I was re-reading Twilight that felt dragged. Don't get me wrong, I liked Midnight Sun better than the Twilight series, but mostly the whole story felt dragged. Edward thinks too much of stuff that wasn't that relevant and half the time, he's reading other people's mind about what they think of Bella in school. Felt he was some Peeping Tom but it was really like squishing some extra scenes to make this a Twilight Novel for a 600+ pages. If we're talking about Twilight, we seriously can't forget the insta-love in the story. Note: Do NOT read this if you don't want any sparkling and cheesy romantic-slash-vampire-love. I won't say anything to spoil the book, but it felt so sudden that Edward just thinks, "Yes, I'm in love with Bella now!" and thinks if her and goes to her room every night to watch her sleep. Felt like he was some love-sick boy who wants Bella's attention. Of course, with Alice's future seeing and all, it felt like those two young lovers were 'meant' to be destined to meet each other. Ok, that is totally cringe-y and cheesy (even though I believe in a happily ever after) but the author made it awkward and so sudden. Since it's an insta-love, we can't do anything, but really, reading from Edward's side made it much more worse for their romance. And Bella was a bit late catching up Edward's undying love for her. What they say to each other is worse. I mean, they just see each other and sparks immediately fly around and the next thing you know, is them saying 'I love you's to each other and doing "goo goo eyes" (a quote said from Rosalie). You know, I much prefer growing feelings towards each other rather than declaring when they just met that I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU I should say, reading Midnight Sun makes the whole Twilight series completed because Twilight had some questions bubbling up every second and then this book answers everything through Edward's POV. I'm still happy I read this book and hopefully, Twilight fans will as well because Midnight Sun made perfect sense. So much improved in this book and I wish those characters well to live their life forever in seventeen. #edwardforever #bellaforever

Photo of ༺ kat ༻
༺ kat ༻@mutedspace
4.5 stars
Jul 4, 2023

absolutely nuts getting his perspective after so many years

Photo of Victoria
5 stars
May 1, 2023

Edward has to be one of the creepiest characters to exist. Do I care? No. I'm still going to read this book because it is fascinating. We get to see how he handles the whole situation. We also get to see how his family really reacts and thinks about Bella and Edward. Is it because he can read minds and that's the only reason we get insight? Yes. And it's really creepy. But I still enjoyed Midnight Sun immensely. The Twilight Saga was the first connection I made with my sister and the fact that this book came out now is really cool because I can actually form opinions on the books I read.

Photo of Megan O’Connod
Megan O’Connod@abookishrevolution
4 stars
Mar 5, 2023

Reading this for nostalgia purposes was fun. I liked getting new lore about characters I like and getting a new POV was fun. If you liked twilight and wanted some more of our main vamp boy then this is the book for you. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I was so hyped when it was announced and then kept putting it off when it came out? Anyways, enjoyable book

Photo of Sandra shaughnessy
Sandra shaughnessy @justdra93
2 stars
Mar 5, 2023

Started this thinking I’d get more interesting information on the backstories of the other members of the Cullen clan. Spoiler alert; there’s not much really. I listened to it on audio book form and it was 25 hours long. It did not need to be that long, far too over detailed. But once I was drawn in my sixteen year old self had to finish it. Adds an interesting slant to the story but in my opinion shows how Edward was even more problematic that was showcased in the original Twilight. Don’t bother you already know the story

Photo of lucy lou
lucy lou@louhardy
2.5 stars
Mar 2, 2023

Only got to page 265. I was excited to find this book existed lol. But it was so slow. Although it was interesting to have Edwards POV, I would have liked to learn a tiny bit more about life after breaking dawn or even his perspective of the whole series not just the first twilight book.

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of freya.nightwolf
5 stars
Feb 25, 2023

I liked and I didn't... and I gave it 5 stars :)) I liked his version because there were some details in what he was doing when he left Bella alone and what he did when she went in the reservation. I liked the fact that we can see in everyone's head, especially Emmett's :))) In total I liked it. BUT you can see it's a man's head written by a woman!! No offence to anyone, but, like I said in a previous review for "Breaking Dawn", there are too many repeated and unnecessary details. After 150 pages, you can see at every step that Edward was hating himself for getting to close to her and how can be sure she stays human. It's nothing wrong with that feeling, but I don't need to see it in every damn page. It's annoying. That's why you can see it's a woman behind the book. I am a woman, but to get lost in that way... That's too much. By the 300 page I was like "Just turn her and get over it". Just to shup him up about what he wanted and what was good for her. At first I was tempted to wish for the author to rewrite all the books from his perspective... NOW I DON'T WANT THAT! This is enough. So yeah... I don't understand why I'm giving 5 stars, but I suppose for being another point of view, instead of Bella's thoughts, really got to me.

Photo of Anum Memon
Anum Memon@anummuna
5 stars
Feb 20, 2023

Wow! Those were the words when I finished this novel or really when I finished this series. The series felt more complete when I read this novel. This whole series put me on a rollercoaster full of emotions. The companion book a.k.a. the last book in the series was by far my favourite in the whole series. I think the whole series is more engaging with the companion novel. Edward's point of view was very intriguing to me. Weirdly I loved this book more than any of the novels in the original series. Which was weird because I thought the last would be a flop. The reasoning behind this was when authors write an incredible series and write an adding-on novel it usually does not go in their favour. I thought Stephenie Meyer gambled with this book but overall was very witty for publishing. I loved the novel and readers should read it like it was a part of the original series. This novel made me think of separate viewpoints which I hadn't thought of. Thank you for reading my opinion.

Photo of Jacqueline Gonzalez
Jacqueline Gonzalez@jackyg95
5 stars
Feb 6, 2023

This perspective from Edward was everything and much needed. I could picture the whole book in my head 10/10

Photo of Ivy X
Ivy X@poisonivayy
2 stars
Jan 10, 2023

I think one of the top reviews for this book really echoes my thoughts exactly so I won't go too in depth....but I'll just leave this: - Was Bella always this annoying?? Why don't I remember her being this bratty????? AND NAIVE??? - Why is Edward so much creepier from his pov than her's? Must be the rose-colored glasses. Also, I think it's because Edward knows what he's doing is creepy and we are constantly reminded of his 100 something-year-old age. Like you're gonna be 100 something and not be interested in perfect vampire women around ur age??? but ur gonna go to a hs and just go "yum cute lil insecure hs girl" - Also to this day i am freaked out by how he stares at her sleeping like ew goodbye Also, idk if Stephenie Meyer realizes but she created an abusive relationship w huge tell-tale signs. 1. His constant desire to murder her (even imagining killing others to be able to kill her) and then being an agonizing lil bitch abt it on his own and to bella abt feeling bad for wanting to kill her 2. His constant "im a monster" which draws sympathy while leveraging his 100 years of knowledge against Bella 3. Keeping tabs on her family and friend's thoughts 4. the stalking and possessiveness 5. the way he stayed at the hospital w Bella longer than her parents and seemed to have more authority--to the point the nurses questioned why he didn't give her space or why he was always there. Like that's so creepy that her bf would have that much time or authority to stay with Bella (more than Bella's mom) WHEN SHES A TEENAGE GIRL???? 6. the lowkey anger issues

Photo of Jade Iveson
Jade Iveson@jadeiveyy
4 stars
Jan 5, 2023

NOSTALGIA TRIP OF THE DECADE alright, ill be honest if you never read/enjoyed twilight you might not be super into this. However, for me, I absolutely loved every single second of it. Reading from edward's perspective brought forward a lot of insight into not only him but the rest of the cullen family. Do I still think Rosalie is a bitch? Absolutely. Do I have more information as to her intentions from the beginning? Yes. I did not think it possible to love Alice even more, but honestly she was the shining light in this book. She stole the show for me. So, in conclusion, I believe every twilight lover should read this even if you think you are past your twi-hard obsession. I can assure you, you are not!

Photo of Jantien
Jantien @joan_illusion
5 stars
Dec 22, 2022

I need every single book from Edward’s perspective😭

Photo of Annabella
2 stars
Nov 3, 2022

After reading :WHY do I always let hype get to me? *** Reading this series the first time was the ultimate caving act as far as peer pressure went. Sadly, though, my first read was characterised by an incredibly snobbish attitude. @ Past self: Get over it . Liking romance and "girly" stuff is allowed. Cool, even . What's changed now, you ask? Well... Adolescence in full vampire craze happened. And early 20s, yes. No, I don't do phases. If I like something, I like it. Which is what I feel towards vampire-centered fiction, just to be extremely clear. Except, I've finally put a finger on why Twilight doesn't evoke homey, warm feelings in me: such an easy read as it is, it lacks... bite. (Can't resist a pun) My fave tv show as a teen was TVD (Which still causes the aforementioned warm fuzzies. And quote-alongs. And rewatches. You got the gist) and I adored Buffy. Why? Because the vamps controlled themselves and still behaved like vamps and the romance was way spicier (If you read this last sentence and didn't think of Damon or Spike, I've officially failed at references).


Photo of 🌞Laur🌞

I was a predator. She was my prey. There was nothing else in the whole world but that truth.

Page 10
This highlight contains a spoiler
Photo of Isobel Machin
Isobel Machin@isobel1308

. "No," Bella murmured. "I want to sleep." «You can sleep sweetheart."

Page 669

why is he so corny

Photo of Isobel Machin
Isobel Machin@isobel1308

. "Im not thirsty today, honestly." I actually winked at her. One would think I was thirteen instead of a hundred and four

Page 404
Photo of Isobel Machin
Isobel Machin@isobel1308

I could see easy it would be to fall into loving Bella. It would be exactly like falling: effortless. Not letting myself love her was the opposite

Page 100

omg so cute I’m crying rn

Photo of Ruby Emmeline Fisher
Ruby Emmeline Fisher@rubyfisherreads

As I stared into those oddly deep brown eyes—the color was like milk chocolate, but the clarity was more comparable to strong tea, there was a depth and transparency; near her pupils, there were tiny flecks of agate green and golden caramel—

Photo of avarni

I prayed to her God with all the anguish of my damned, lost soul that he -or she, or it- would help me protect Bella from myself

okay but he's THE original pathetic little meow meow emo boy no i do NOT accept criticism

Photo of avarni

Nothing was left of the future she'd been perfectly confident in before this moment. Whatever had changed was big enough that it left no part of our destiny untouched.

how is there literally no conflict for the first three quarters of this book?

Photo of avarni

It was enlightening and alluring to watch her in her element. I hadn't seen her this confident and at ease before. It was clear she could have located everything she was looking for while wearing a blindfold. First a bowl, and then-stretching up on her toes-a box of off-brand Cheerios from a high shelf.

babe it's so enlightening and alluring how you... [checks notes] got that box of cheerios from the shelf.

Photo of avarni

I put in a CD of violent music

this is set in 2005, so i'm deciding to assume he's listening to my chemical romance

Photo of avarni

Why did she not cringe away from me in terror? Surely she had seen enough of my darker side to realize the danger

He's the most insane character ever. There is something deeply wrong with this guy.

Photo of avarni

She wasn't like other humans

hashtag not like other girls moment

Photo of Brianna

«You actually listened to me." That was a first. Her small nose wrinkled. “I smelled the blood." I stared at her in blank surprise. "People can't smell blood." Well, I can that's what makes me sick. It smells like rust...and salt." My face froze, still staring. Was she really even human? She looked human. She felt soft as a human. She smelled human--well, better actually. She acted human...sort of. But she didn't think like a human, or respond like one.

Page 129

This is so dumb. Of course people can smell blood and she describes it like anyone would!

Photo of Hiddeninthelostlibrary

«Di nuovo il crepuscolo», dissi tra me e me. «Un'altra fine. Ogni giorno deve finire, anche il più perfetto».

Page 775
Photo of Lindsey

The horrified expression on her face was priceless. It told me what I should not so desperately have needed to know--that she had no feelings for any of these human males who wished to court her.

Page 117

Edward still living in 1900

Photo of Lindsey

Who would have ever dreamed that such a generic, boring mortal could be so infuriating?

Page 105

I feel the same way sometimes Edward

Photo of Lindsey

HIGH SCHOOL. PURGATORY NO LONGER, IT WAS NOW PURELY hell. Torment and fire... yes, I had both.

Page 99
Photo of Lindsey

I liked the thick sheet of water-it made a wall between me and the rest of the world. It closed me in, let me be alone.

Page 97
Photo of Lindsey

"It all depends on whether he is strong enough. Either he'll kill her himself"-she turned to meet my gaze again, glaring- "which would really irritate me, Edward, not to mention what it would do to yo" She faced Jasper again. "Or she'll be one of us someday.”

Page 96
Photo of Lindsey

He shook his head once. "And I will not let Alice live in danger, even a slight danger.

Page 93

Jasper is cuteee

Photo of Lindsey

Like a stalker. An obsessed stalker. An obsessed vampire stalker.

Page 83


Photo of Lindsey

I launched myself across the lot, throwing myself between the skidding van and the frozen girl. I moved so fast that everything was a streaky blur except for the object of my focus. She didn't see me — no human eyes could have followed my flight

Page 64
Photo of Lindsey

I put in a CD of violent music, and then turned it up until it drowned out other voices.

Page 55


Photo of Lindsey

"It's too bad about the snow, isn't it?" I said, repeating the small talk that I'd heard a dozen students discuss already. A boring, standard topic of conversation. The weather-always safe.

Page 46

Weather is always good hahahah

Photo of Lindsey

"Very human, Emmett," Rosalie said scathingly. “Why don't you punch through the wall while you're at it?"

Page 34

Love them