Malia Crete Fresh Romance

Malia Crete Fresh Romance

Can dreams really come true? "You don't seem happier than when singing and playing guitar," my last girlfriend had told me. She was right. It really is so much fun. The rush of excitement and connection made with others just put a smile on my face. Sure, this story is emotional. Some parts happy, some a little streamy and some a little sad but I am hoping that you leave with a smile on your face and thinking, "hey that was a cool story, I enjoyed that." Please remember it did happen more than twenty years ago so forgive my stupidity, ignorance and being a little arrogant at times. So, let's begin, my name is Mike Donaldson but for this story I'm going to use the name of John Cannon. Well Mike Donaldson just doesn't roll off the tongue like John Cannon and it fits better with the story. I'm still going to speak in the first person though. Just imagine that my name is now John. Well l I had come to a decision. I was going to spend the summer in Malia, Crete and I was going there to have the time of my life. My sole intention was to sing and play guitar or simply to entertain. Now skipping forwards a little and arriving at Crete's, Heraklion airport, I collected my belongings and with my guitar and a large tubular shaped purple bag hanging off my shoulder I made my way to the airport's exit. Music played in my ears, I can't remember now what it was. This did happen twenties years ago. Maybe it was the Stone Roses - Fools Gold, or The Happy Mondays - Step On. It may have been Paul Simon's album Graceland. I can't remember but maybe appearing a little vulnerable on entering the airports exit or maybe smiling having just arrived, three attractive English girls who were resting against a wall surrounded by their luggage looked up at me and in unison said, "hi!" The girls, maybe seeing the guitar I carried may have found me more appealing than the average Joe or maybe it was just because I looked a little lost. I don't know for sure and I didn't ask. The conversation started and things had just got off to a perfect start. I hadn't even left the airport. Hold onto your hats as you are taken on a entertaining and intimate journey. It's an emotional experience trying to make your dreams a reality. Join John as he continues to tell his story. Suitable for over 18's only.
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