Other Amazing Pieces of History

Other Amazing Pieces of History

Breaking NEWS--THE TOP SECRET IMMIGRATION DEAL BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND MEXICO! The truth behind the US attack on Libya! This book will change the way to view our government. New York Times Bestselling author and former LAPD Intelligence Detective Mike Rothmiller spent decades painstakingly scouring various governmental archives to obtain these shocking and sometimes appalling pieces of history which are virtually unknown to the masses. When this new top-secret information is understood, a startling, eye-opening encyclopedia of truth is presented. What is inside; The Largest Mass Execution in American History ordered by President Lincoln. The CIA's Top-Secret Psychiatric Profile of Fidel Castro. Incredible Secret Weapons. 19th and 20th Century Slavery and Cannibalism. The Trail of Tears Order and The Cherokee Black Slaves. Hillary Clinton Email Regarding Child Slavery in Haiti. The Top-Secret Zimmerman Letter requesting Mexico to attack the US. The September 11, 2012 Attack on the US Benghazi Office. The lies. The CIA Worries about Covert Operations in France. The Other Side of Wyatt Earp and Tombstone. The US Diversity Immigration Visa Program aka Visa Lottery. The Top-Secret Immigration Agreement between the United States and Mexico. Lee Harvey Oswald, the Assassin of President Kennedy, was a Top-Secret CIA Source While Living in the Soviet Union. The Top-Secret Reason for the US 2011 Attack on Libya. The Top-secret OSS War Report The First Top-Secret "JOAN-ELEANOR" Operation in Europe During WW2. The OSS Secret Surrender Negotiations with Germany During WW2. The top-secret CIA memo stating that enhanced interrogations work and the terror acts it stopped.
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