Heroes of the Reich Volume One

Heroes of the Reich Volume One To Mark 70-Years Since the Second World War's End, Heroes of the Reich Avoids Victors Propaganda. Heroes Is a Refreshing, Often Inspiring, Selection of Over 30 Stories of Ordinary Germans Propelled to Greatness by Their Loyalty to the Reich.

Mike Walsh2015
The Reich catapulted otherwise quite ordinary people into international acclaim. HEROES OF THE REICH is neither a military nor political history of the men and woman of many nations who gave their loyalty and in many cases their lives to the Fuhrer's Reich. HEROES OF THE REICH reveals the true accounts of political and military icons, fabulous artistes, great musicians, the ordinary people who withstood to their deaths the overwhelming onslaught of the combined forces of the British, Soviet and American Empires. HEROES OF THE REICH marks 82 years since the German leader, Adolph Hitler was elected, 70 years since the end of the Reich. Hitler's triumph was that he alone laid claim to be the only true democrat in the War of the Dictators. Soviet leader Joe Stalin, a Georgian, was never elected. Nor was half-American British Premier Winston Churchill. Whilst U.S. President Roosevelt was narrowly elected, it was afterwards conceded that it was his empty promise not to involve the American people in another European war that achieved his 'victory.'
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