City of Endless Night

City of Endless Night

Milo Hastings2017
1920 Dystopian Science Fiction, Alternative History ""He can talk it,"" said my playmates who attended the public schools where all teaching of the language of the outcast nation was prohibited. They invariably elected me to be ""the Germans,"" and locked me up in the old garage while they rained a stock of sun-dried clay bombs upon the roof and then came with a rush to ""batter down the walls of Berlin"" by breaking in the door, while I, muttering strange guttural oaths, would be led forth to be ""exterminated."" On rainy days I would sometimes take my favoured playmates into my uncle's library where five great maps hung in ordered sequence on the panelled wall.... The fourth map was the most fascinating and terrible. Again the black of autocracy appeared, obliterating the red of the Brotherhood of Man, spreading across half of Eurasia and thrusting a broad black shadow to the Yellow Sea and a lesser one to the Persian Gulf... and lines of dotted white retreated in concentric waves till...
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