Mind Games

Mind Games

"Seventeen-year-old Fia and her sister, Annie, are trapped in a school that uses young female psychics and mind readers as tools for corporate espionage--and if Fia doesn't play by the rules of their deadly game, Annie will be killed"--Provided by publisher.
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Photo of Monicap
4 stars
Apr 29, 2024

The writing in this book was so juvenile. But it really worked. Kiersten White has this way of making her writing seems so real. I mean, if you read the Fifth Wave or the Book Thief right before reading this book, you would definitely think this was, like, the worst writing ever. And it's definitely not GOOD writing. But like I said, it works so well. It makes it seem so real. The characters' pulled me in and the writing enhanced the characters' personalities and stories. Especially Fia.

Photo of Emi Gilmore
Emi Gilmore @emimia
2 stars
Mar 22, 2022


Photo of ashley hopkins
ashley hopkins@bookaholicsanonymous
2 stars
Dec 5, 2021

mMore reviews at Bookaholics Anonymous Online I wanted, wanted, wanted to love this book so much because it had all the aspects I love in a book the spies, powers, and academies. Somewhere along the line it fell short for me. Maybe, it was that I'd felt like I had experienced this plot before. Push the movie anyone? Seers, readers, companies wanting to use people and their abilities? I understand that it's going to be done over and over again, but if that is the case give it some little thing that's going to make it stand out. Make me want to feel for the characters that are in these horrible circumstances. Where I loved Evie and pretty much every character in the Paranormalcy series, I couldn't bring myself to love these characters. They had this co-dependency on each other. Annie needed Sofia to stay at the school, Sofia needed Annie to keep her from falling deeper into her thoughts, it just kept going. I didn't care much for Eden when she did show up. It felt like James was pretty much using all the girls. There just wasn't a character I cared for until the very, very end. The flipping back and forth between Fia and Annie and past and present with each chapter hurt my head a little. I mean having to remember what was going on 2 or 3 chapters back to understand the chapter I was reading. It just didn't work well for me. (Now this just sounds confusing) The only thing that saved this book from its death with me was the twist at the end. What an end! It'll keep me reading the series to see what happens. This was definitely not the Paranormalcy Series. Anyone who says other wise is a liar. I'm hoping that maybe it's just a first book thing for this series, and that Perfect Lies, the second book, will recover from the wounds that were Mind games. QUOTES "Instead I think about everything in the whole entire world that makes me angry--there is a lot, oh, there is a lot---and I start singing Justin Bieber at the top of my lungs." pg 43 "Then he was dead. Poor cute dead kid." pg 57

Photo of laura
3 stars
Nov 20, 2021

I liked this book. It was super fast paced. The world building could have been more clear at points but it really enjoyed the book.

Photo of Hannah
4 stars
Oct 18, 2021

I loved this book! the reason I docked a star is because it's so short and abrupt. it feels like half of the story, not the whole thing. I definitely recommend this!

Photo of Lynn Braden
Lynn Braden@ftbooklover
2 stars
Oct 8, 2021

I couldn't finish this novel. There are other books by White that I really like, but this one just falls short. I've read almost half of the book, and most of it has been spent describing two girls who are sisters, each with their own unique mental ability. The girls are being kept at a "school" where they were sent after their parents died. Constant flashbacks throughout the book tell the backstory of how and why they ended up as slaves for an organization that uses both girls to meet their own needs. There seems to be no way out for these girls, and even if there is, the possibility of a normal or even happy life seems impossible. I'm not particularly fond of either main character or the boys that are becoming part of their lives. It is simply an unhappy story about unhappy people living in an unhappy world. Very depressing and not much fun to read.

Photo of Bridget Howard
Bridget Howard@darkfaerietales
5 stars
Aug 26, 2021

Loved this book!!! My favorite Kiersten White book and that is saying since I have loved everything she has written!!!

Photo of Emily Perkovich
Emily Perkovich@undermeyou
4 stars
Mar 24, 2023
Photo of DeoDone Gous
DeoDone Gous@ddg_booked
4 stars
Dec 28, 2022
Photo of DeoDone Gous
DeoDone Gous@deodone
4 stars
Nov 2, 2022
Photo of Annwyn Jensen
Annwyn Jensen@sprawlingonion
4 stars
Aug 31, 2022
Photo of Moon
4 stars
Aug 3, 2022
Photo of karim othman
karim othman@yogataga
5 stars
May 11, 2022
Photo of Elizabeth Neill
Elizabeth Neill@beersbooksandboos
3 stars
Apr 29, 2022
Photo of Steysha
3 stars
Apr 26, 2022
Photo of Marissa Killian
Marissa Killian@mrisska
4 stars
Mar 3, 2022
Photo of Sierra Hernandez
Sierra Hernandez @sierradezz
5 stars
Feb 24, 2022
Photo of Christian Huss
Christian Huss@curiousquill
3 stars
Feb 5, 2022
Photo of Hannah Derzanovich
Hannah Derzanovich@bluebooked
3 stars
Jan 26, 2022
Photo of Chelsea Hunter
Chelsea Hunter@cnhbookdragon
4 stars
Dec 14, 2021
Photo of Alex Hill
Alex Hill @mybookishworld
2 stars
Dec 5, 2021
Photo of Rebecca Lynn Steele
Rebecca Lynn Steele@steelerl
3 stars
Nov 24, 2021
Photo of Malu Lightwood
Malu Lightwood@therazzmatazz13
4 stars
Nov 7, 2021
Photo of Michelle Boyea
Michelle Boyea@caffeinatedbibliophile
4 stars
Oct 27, 2021