Minimalism: Live a Meaningful Life

Essential book for me!

I put it down halfway through. I thought this book would be more about minimalism and less about their personal lives. I understand that things go hand in hand but i didn’t really need a guide to tell me to eat healthy and work out when i was more interested in decluttering. Not a fan of this book.

The book largely started out as an autobiography for these two men, and it came off as a bit pretentious with the constant praise of themselves. Things got better after the first section of the book and I genuinely found the questions asked to be thought-provoking and I will definitely be using these to better my life. I would say that this book’s title is a bit misleading, though. The book is about mindfulness rather than minimalism. As they say, it goes hand-in-hand, but I feel as if it’s still misleading. If you’re looking for a thought-provoking book about getting rid of the crap in your life that you don’t need and doesn’t add value, I recommend!

not the best book about minimalism but full of good ideas

Great reading through this again. Most info and essays you can also listen to via their podcast as well.