Misadventures with a Professor

Misadventures with a Professor

Sierra Simone2018
"Sierra Simone is a master at….word play and fills the pages with one girls adventure with an older more experienced man." ~Beyond the Covers Book Blog Zandy Lynch never planned on going to grad school a virgin. So when her professor father finds her a job abroad as a research assistant the summer before she starts her master’s program, she sees her chance. She’s got one night in London to lose her V-card to a Mr. Darcy lookalike before she has to join some ancient professor in the country. Oliver Graeme is not looking forward to having some American co-ed hovering around while he’s trying to work, but he owes her father the favor, and besides, his office is an untidy mess of uncatalogued research. He needs the help. Still, he decides to take the edge off his frustration while visiting a colleague in London, and winds up having the sexiest, sweetest night of his life with a stranger, who vanishes in the morning without a trace… To Zandy’s shock when she arrives at Professor Graeme’s house a day later, the door isn’t opened by a fussy old scholar, but by the wild, passionate man she met in London. Cold and reserved by day, Oliver is ferociously greedy with her at night, and it’s not long before Zandy finds herself falling for both versions of him—the aloof professor and the generous, rough lover. The trouble is that summer only lasts so long, and Zandy already has a plane ticket waiting to take her home… Misadventures is a romantic series of spicy standalone novels, each written or co-written by some of the best names in romance. The stories are scandalous, refreshing, and, of course, incredibly sexy. They’re the perfect bedside read, a ‘quick blush’ for the reader who loves a page-turning romance.
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Photo of Nora Ellen
Nora Ellen@noraaxellen
3 stars
Nov 3, 2022

I mean it was good but I am just not a fan of surprised pregnancy. They’ve known each other for what? A month? And are in love and raising a child together?

Photo of Tshering Yangzom
Tshering Yangzom@yangzomsbookarchive
4 stars
Mar 28, 2022

i was looking for age-gap romance and stumbled across this by sierra simone, i loved the books ive read from her so far and this one was a good read too

Photo of Katie
3 stars
Nov 22, 2021

Normally teacher/student romances are a squick for me but I trust Sierra Simone with my life, and she did not disappoint! This is definitely a high 3 star, but there were some things I didn't like about it that can't quite push it over that hurdle into a 4 star. Sierra Simone's writing is impeccable. She effortlessly sweeps you into a story and keeps you reading. I was hooked from the first page! The only reason I didn't finish this in one sitting is because I desperately needed to go to sleep. I really enjoyed reading from both perspectives, and it was interesting to see how two very different people developed their relationship. The big things that really bothered me were, first of all, the timeline of the relationship. I noticed this in the other Sierra Simone book I've read, Misadventures of a Curvy Girl, that these characters are declaring their undying love for each other after two weeks of whirlwind sex. Maybe they should calm down a little? I understand it's smut so I guess I can suspend my disbelief a little, but it's just kind of over the top. The other thing that really bothered me is a trope that I'm realizing I absolutely HATE in smut. I read it in another book recently and it also rubbed me the wrong way. (view spoiler)[I really really Really REAlly REALLY hate it when there is an accidental pregnancy, and that basically kicks off the climax of the book. And the characters have miscommunication, and then other bad things happen, but eventually they reconcile because "nothing is more important." Especially when a character has EXPLICITLY STATED that they don't want children, like Oliver did in this book. It just seems like such a plot convenience that instead of having characters communicate and talk through their relationship like rational adults, a woman gets pregnant and that magically solves all their problems. It's fucking obnoxious. (hide spoiler)] This was a pretty fun read, and it has cemented my love for Sierra Simone's writing. Even if the plot isn't a 100% hit, like this book, it will still be well-written and a good time while it lasts.

Photo of b.andherbooks
3 stars
Oct 9, 2021

Alas, this is the only print copy of any of Sierra Simone's work in my library system (trying to remedy that) and it isn't my favorite trope, but I needed more after Sinner so I gave it a whirl. Definitely hot, with a crotchety Professor who likes to play "Professor Spanky" but has been shamed by his last partner into thinking that it is bad. He has a wonderful one night stand with an American woman he stumbles upon in the London rain, not knowing she is his new research assistant until she shows up at his cottage the next day. She's totally into his kink, but he's not having it, until he does again. And again. Nicely done to make the Professor/student thing hot and not gross (I was a teaching assistant at a University and this trope isn't usually for me), and consent is king in this story, with the Professor always reminding his love of her safeword and checking in throughout play. That said, after Sinner this was just not emotionally what I wanted, but still a fun read. Spoiler alert. There is also a secret baby at the end, which also is not my favorite trope.

Photo of Kim
4 stars
Oct 6, 2021

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads. I've become an unapologetic Sierra Simone in the last couple years. She slayed me with Priest and Sinner, and gave me all the freaking feels with the New Camelot trilogy. Since she announced she was writing a book in the Misadventures series, I've been looking forward to it. That series is chock full of short, fun and sexy reads and I can't get enough of it. I was thrilled to get an early look at Misadventures with a Professor and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Zandy and Oliver were great. I liked them and their story so much I seriously wished this was a longer book. As it was, I devoured it in no time. Zandy was so naive and innocent, but not in an obnoxious way. Oliver was super refined and buttoned up, until he was in the bedroom. They were perfect together, with their sizzling chemistry and hot AF sexy times. I have to admit, BDSM isn't one of my go-tos but I'll make an exception every single time when it comes to Sierra's books. It's not my kink, but it's still fun to read. Misadventures with a Professor didn't pummel my feels or anything, but it did have some unexpectedly sweet and heartfelt moments. I was in it with both Zandy and Oliver and I just loved how things progressed between them.  If you enjoy deliciously sexy bite-sized romance novels and you've not yet read any of the Misadventures stories, you're missing out. They're the perfect quick read — or listen! Misadventures with a Professor should be near the top of your Misadventures TBR. It's one of my favorites so far. Not that I'm even a little bit surprised. It was the perfect combination of hot and sweet, with Sierra's gorgeous and thoughtful writing. I received a complimentary copy of this book for review consideration. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. Favorite Quotes: "My body is my own to be careless with." "Not tonight, it isn't," he whispers. "Tonight it's mine." "I don't think kinky professors get to have babies and wives."

Photo of Lacey
4 stars
Aug 26, 2021

HOT and sweet. Sierra Simone writes forbidden romance so well!

Photo of Nikkya Beers
Nikkya Beers @inikkya
3 stars
May 25, 2023
Photo of Meghan Thompson
Meghan Thompson @mthomp08
3 stars
Jun 12, 2022
Photo of Meghan Thompson
Meghan Thompson @mthomp08
3 stars
May 9, 2023
Photo of Morgan Thomas
Morgan Thomas@moalthom91
4 stars
Apr 8, 2023
Photo of Kadi Frease
Kadi Frease@kadi
3 stars
Jan 1, 2023
Photo of Mary Lawrence
Mary Lawrence@marybooklover
4 stars
Nov 27, 2022
Photo of Stephanie czajko
Stephanie czajko@stephaniecz
4 stars
Nov 3, 2022
Photo of Jordan Farrell
Jordan Farrell@jordieisfarrell
3 stars
Sep 3, 2022
Photo of Rebekah jean
Rebekah jean@bek7
3 stars
Aug 29, 2022
Photo of Camryn
2 stars
Aug 27, 2022
Photo of Sienna Escamilla
Sienna Escamilla@siennarose
5 stars
Apr 16, 2022
Photo of Elizabeth Waybright
Elizabeth Waybright@margolilibetblossom
3 stars
Sep 30, 2021
Photo of Sara Alfaro
Sara Alfaro@salfaro
5 stars
Sep 26, 2021
Photo of Ashlee
4 stars
Aug 26, 2021

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