
i stayed up until 4 am for 3 days to finish this book PR BGT. but i’m quite surprised by how easily this book was written. i expect some more difficult prose since this book was one of those they called high fantasy. BUT ITS GOOD NEVERTHELESS i don’t have to look up for lot of words. the world building was intense (as i expected) but the writting made it easier. kadang kadang ada beberapa phrase yg susah di comprehend sm otak gw tp beliau ini jg masukin karakter yg sama cluelessnya jd eventually dijelasin dgn bahasa bayi HAHAHHA SENENG DEH. trs jg penjelasan ttg every allomancy power dijelasin terus menerus jd beneran nggak usah dipikirin bgt. kadang tp suka bingung sih sm deskripsi maneuver mereka kl lg in action tp sebenernya gw jg bayanginnyq terbang terbang aja HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH. i believe there’s more to kelsier sih soalnya masa gt doang????? (i actually got myself spoiled tp gatau jg sih). i also feelt uneasy everytime kelsier talks or in action KAYAK ADUH GW TAKUT BGT APA YG BAKAL TWRJADI AJG tp kayaknya kl bikin cycle yg sama kyk di journalnya itu bakal mainstream dan predictable bgt gak sih jd gw sebenernya expecting a lot more twist di buku buku setelahnya. ALSOOOO vin sm elend lucu bgt WHAT THE FUCK kaget ternyata romance written by men bisa gemes jg HAHAHAH

Good start and story over all but kind of week ending

genuinely just a GOOD time. read it like a TV show and enjoyed it deeply.

I loved this book from the beginning. The characters are fully fleshed out and likable, their individual personalities and relationships are all unique. The flow was very smooth and well paced, and the plot was well thought out. He gave just enough detail that I could easily imagine being there while also not being too wordy. As all the pieces came together at the end, I can’t help but need the next book for how artfully crafted this was.

Well-paced, loved the magic system and world building and that I got to learn about it with Vin, leaving some questions unanswered. I wish Vin was a little more complex as a character, I feel that some of her motivations are one-dimensional, though she is starting to grow. First Sanderson book and liked it!

Could not put down, read and listened to the audiobook

Took literally forever to read this book but SUCH a good series for fantasy lovers

An amazing world with a very unique magic system that I’ve never seen before. The character building was great with the main characters traumas and inner dialogue very heartfelt. Highly recommend.

i think i’m just stupid i was so ready for like the two year lead up taking eight books i think i underestimated this man

Llore horrible


Brandon Sanderson can write a 16 year old girl like no other.
What an incredible fantasy world that I want to dive into and live in forever and I now think about constantly

What the heck? That was amazing. The last 250 pages or so were such a rush.

I wanted to DNF this so bad for the first 200 pages, but I knew the setup would all be worth it in the end. It was.

So well written but it started to lose me when I was 3/4 of the way through.
LOVED the world and LOVED the heist feeling of it all.
Sometimes the magic system was a big confusing and frustrating. I reread how push and pull worked a bunch of times because the phrasing was so confusing. (And NO ONE knows how gold works?? I even searched for more information because I wanted to understand it better only to find out it's used twice and half in the WHO SERIES?)
I also envisioned Kelsier as Hawks from MHA 💀
Don't tell me this man is blonde, has birdlike features, is handsome, and has all that charismatic pizazz and have me NOT think of that man. All the other characters I had vague ideas of how they looked in my head and then Kelsier would come to a scene and I'd be like "Ah, yes! Hawks!"
Shoutout to Kelsier you're kinda the goat

4.5* hey i'm shook (view spoiler)[kelsier... ah, kelsier; the one i both hate and love... why? just, whY? (hide spoiler)] y'all, can i be an allomancer? please??

Even thought I took forever to read this, such an amazing story. I don't think I'm ever gonna get over how good this was. I'm excited to dive more into Sanderson's books.

I feel like traveling back through time and telling younger me to pick this book earlier than I did. Books like this are the reason why I love Epic Fantasy, it has it all: romance, intrigue and complex plots that make sense until the last few pages. For those not reading Brandon Sanderson, you are missing out big time.


4.35 stars

“You’re… not what I expected, Lady Valette.”
“People rarely are.”

“You’re… not what I expected, Lady Valette.”
“People rarely are.”

“Did any of her friends really know her? Did she even really know herself?”

“I think that’s the second time today you’ve told me that. you need to pay better attention —if you’d been listening to everyone else, you’d know that my sanity departed long ago”

“if you let someone get close to you, it will only hurt more when they betray you”

“Our belief is often strongest when it should be weakest. That is the nature of hope."

Remember to smile.

Sazed smiled. "That depends. The right belief is like a good cloak I think. If it fits you well, it keeps you warm and safe. The wrong fit, however, can suffocate."

"No need," the old man said. The last time I tried lords' food, I had stomach pains for three days. New tastes are like new ideas, young man-the older you get, the more difficult they are for you to stomach.

"Yes," Sazed said. "Tell me, Mistress. What is it that you believe?"
Vin frowned. "What kind of question is that?"
"The most important kind, I think.”