Mitchell Hogan
At the Sign of the Crow and Moon

At the Sign of the Crow and Moon

A fast-paced fantasy adventure in the world of the Sorcery Ascendant Sequence, from Aurealis Award winning author Mitchell Hogan.Ten years before A Crucible of Souls…In the bustling capital city of the Mahruse Empire, Felicienne Shyrise spends her days as a talented investigator, taking on stolen goods and missing person cases, and the occasional murder the city guard are too incompetent, or too lazy, to resolve.During nights, she hones her skills playing Dominion, a board game almost as complicated as life itself. She dreams of making a name for herself, and becoming the richest woman in the Empire.But when she’s roped into a murky investigation by a First Adjudicator to the immortal Emperor himself, her life is thrown into disarray. Will this be the perfect opportunity to showcase her skills and make valuable connections, or will her future now be in the hands of political powers that can never be denied?Working against her will, and afraid of the consequences of refusing the commission, she uncovers evidence that points to an attempt on the Emperor’s life. Felicienne rapidly finds herself a target, and must use her considerable wits to uncover the plot of an unseen enemy who always seems to be one step ahead of the game.This is a standalone novella of 25,000 words. No prior knowledge of the Sorcery Ascendant Sequence is required to enjoy it, which means it's a perfect introduction for new readers or a chance for Sorcery Ascendant veterans to spend a little more time with Felicienne Shyrise. Reviews of A Crucible of Souls: "An impressive debut book... a well written and exciting tale.""I'd put this right up there with Rothfuss, Sanderson, and Weeks. I'm always happy to find another Fantasy Gem.""...the in depth characterization and attention to detail with the system of magic really breathed new life into a old standby of sword and sorcery fantasy. I enjoyed it so much I couldn't put my kindle down.""This book has great characters, mysteries, and villains. There is so much material ready to be dug into, and I can't wait for the author to explore every area of his world he introduced us to. The magic system is both simple and complex, I felt as immersed in learning it as the main character.""This book is captivating from beginning to the end."
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