
Mockingjay The Hunger Games #3

My name is Katniss Everdeen. Why am I not dead? I should be dead. Katniss Everdeen, girl on fire, has survived, even though her home has been destroyed. Gale has escaped. Katniss's family is safe. Peeta has been captured by the Capitol. District 13 really does exist. There are rebels. There are new leaders. A revolution is unfolding. It is by design that Katniss was rescued from the arena in the cruel and haunting Quarter Quell, and it is by design that she has long been part of the revolution without knowing it. District 13 has come out of the shadows and is plotting to overthrow the Capitol. Everyone, it seems, has had a hand in the carefully laid plans—except Katniss. The success of the rebellion hinges on Katniss's willingness to be a pawn, to accept responsibility for countless lives, and to change the course of the future of Panem. To do this, she must put aside her feelings of anger and distrust. She must become the rebels' Mockingjay—no matter what the personal cost.
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Photo of August Stone
August Stone@unfortunatecrowboy

fuck this series is so much better than i thought it was

Photo of Kira Louise Morris
Kira Louise Morris@kiramarenareads
5 stars
Jan 26, 2025

So gripping, the epilogue will never not be the most bittersweet, perfect ending to a series ever!

Photo of Ashley Lively
Ashley Lively@ashlivluv
4 stars
Dec 21, 2024

I found the book to be interesting but some parts of it to be a bit cringe.

Photo of Fakornam Zevor
Fakornam Zevor @cilour
5 stars
Aug 29, 2024

The entire series is so perfectly crafted and this was a brilliant ending. It shows that some demons will never go away but we can always grow, move on and remember.

Photo of Yega
4 stars
Aug 22, 2024

This book was a bit slow paced compared to the other two, except for the ending which happened so fast. I would have loved to read more about the transition and the changes in the country and also the character. That being said, I liked the ending of the series and enjoyed reading them very much.

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Photo of jus
5 stars
Jul 30, 2024

i cant even,, im sobbing so much dude im so&!*#;#

Photo of Mae
4.5 stars
Jul 14, 2024

Note: My last year read

Photo of Shruti Bector
Shruti Bector @shrutibector
4 stars
Jul 2, 2024

“It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart.” ... Final book of trilogy. It is slow paced in comparison with other two and felt little extra stretched at some places. Catnis was irritating at alot of events. But the end is so beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. It was a way better trilogy than my expectations.

Photo of tori 👻
tori 👻@persefonitas
4 stars
Jun 15, 2024

** spoiler alert ** There were so many details I didn't remember, like Johanna and Katniss sharing a room in 13 (honestly how the fuck did i forget that) and the bond they create the way they can. it felt good to go back. Still not giving it 5 stars because you can't convince me that killing Finnick off had a narrative point or any impact to the storyline. It was purely shock value and that's a no from me. It's just another name to the list and it's honestly cruel. On the other hand, I appreciate the ending a lot and, I don't know now, but I remember back in the day people didn't like it much because it felt rushed. But to me it matches the pace of the entire series. The Hunger Games is extremely fast paced, it only made sense it would end like that, too. It also leaves the reader to wonder how did Katniss and Peeta actually grow back together. We've seen them do it for the sake of the games, leaving the ending to us actually gives them the privacy they needed in the first place. I've never doubted their feelings for each other, specially since Catching Fire, it's just like Finnick says: anyone paying attention can see it. I love that District 12 becomes the district of healing. it's interesting that the most valuable thing to protect was lost to both of them, with Prim dying and Peeta being hijacked and turned into something he was not. It's nice to read they managed to live with those losses and eventually found happiness, even if the scars would never actually vanish. That's human nature. Now for my favorite quote: "Several sets of arms would embrace me. But in the end, the only person I truly want to comfort me is Haymitch, because he loves Peeta, too."

Photo of Daphne Li-Chen
Daphne Li-Chen@daphne
5 stars
Jun 7, 2024

the hunger games series is a modern classic.

Photo of kelsey
5 stars
May 28, 2024

But there are much worse games to play. suzanne collins does an amazing job depicting grief and ptsd and effects of war. this should be required reading in every school

Photo of Greer Andersson
Greer Andersson@greersbooknook
5 stars
May 11, 2024

** spoiler alert ** 5 ⭐️ The most perfect ending to this trilogy. I know a lot of people enjoy the first two books more and I can’t blame them because I also agree. But honestly I think this book is so so underrated. The politics are so interesting and the plot is arguably more devastating than the first 2 books. I will never get over losing Finnick AND Prim. Again, I’m repeating myself here but there are so many details that I wish they kept in the movies. Also I need to mention Finnick again, I will NEVER get over his death.

Photo of Amira
Amira @imamiraball
3 stars
Apr 19, 2024

Well this was fucking depressing

Photo of jen
4 stars
Apr 8, 2024

loved how she wrote katniss’ relationship with both gale and peeta bc it resonates so much. theres so many mixed feelings, so hot and cold but she loves them both so strongly, even if she doesn’t know in what way. i think that makes the feelings even stronger, when you can’t put a name to it but its just instinctual. which is why the ending is so disappointing?? goes against everything katniss has ever expressed an opinion about - marriage and kids

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Photo of Sarah Sammis
Sarah Sammis@pussreboots
3 stars
Apr 4, 2024

Like so many dystopian stories, the trilogy suffers from problems of scale. Despite Katniss traveling from district to district, there's never a good sense of how big each district is. When speaking of them in the abstract, they seem huge. When traveling through them, they are small enough to fit the needs of the plot.

Photo of Bella Baxter
Bella Baxter@bellhorebooks
4 stars
Apr 4, 2024

Le Sigh. Ripped my heart out in so many places. Couldn't stop myself from continuing to read it, though. I just had to know what was coming up next. It was great.

Photo of Maggie Hotmer
Maggie Hotmer@maggielynn8
4 stars
Apr 2, 2024

I enjoyed reading this but not as much as the other books in the series. I know Katniss was supposed to be recovering and stuff, but it just felt like she was kind of just floating around. I mean she wanted Peeta back so bad, but he comes back damaged, and she acts like she wants nothing to do with him. I felt like it was kind of rushed as well, them making their way through the capital and all, even though we were gearing up to that the whole book. Overall, still an amazing book, just not my favorite in the series.

Photo of aleksandra
2 stars
Apr 2, 2024

2.5/5 Unfortunately, my least favorite book from the series. I don't know why, but the plot didn't interest me as much as in the previous parts. I also forgot why I don't read books with love triangles. But this book reminded me why.

Photo of Rosibel Silva Pineda
Rosibel Silva Pineda@gatiegirl
5 stars
Mar 29, 2024

Ya basta, lloré mucho, pero que bien armada la historia.

Photo of river
3 stars
Mar 16, 2024

i prefer really not to um.. not to speak.. if i speak i am in big trouble

Photo of Malia
5 stars
Mar 14, 2024

When I read this the first time most of the thing flew right by my head. I remember the characters who d1ed and how it happened really fast that I as a reader cant process it well. This time, everything slaps me in the face. Just how good this trilogy actually is? Jujur gue STRES BANGET bacanya karena its about war— so everything happens really fast. Terus pas beneran turun ke jalan MALAH LEBIH CEPET LAGI. Kupikir Suzanne Collins udah gila bikin Quell di CF only happens like on the last third of the book, TERNYATA MOCKINGJAY LEBIH SINTING.

Photo of chloe rae
chloe rae@heychloerae
4 stars
Feb 14, 2024

I remember this being my least favorite book and that still definitely holds true. While it's still pretty gripping and intense, the beginning felt a little boring to me. The main problem I had, however, was Katniss being extremely frustrating like 90% of the book. I understand that this series has a love triangle, which I hate anyway, but it simply lasted too long. She was confused until the end, but then not? And she's so back and forth about EVERYTHING? I understand that she is supposed to be, what, 17? But even so, I found her actions to just be really...obnoxious in this book. And as a Peeta lover, there just WASNT ENOUGH PEETA. She was so absorbed with getting Peeta back and when she finally does but he's damaged, she's no-where to be found. And they're both dealing with their own issues and complications and but it just didn't feel right? I also don't like the way certain deaths are handled in this. Some are talked about in serious length, and others aren't. The importance of each death seemed skewed. I still really love this series. I love this series SO MUCH. I cried at the end, even if the ending feels a little off to me. And I'm still thinking about this series even now, hours later. Really glad I decided to pick these back up!

Photo of Stephanie
Stephanie @booksis
5 stars
Jan 28, 2024

I absolutely loved the saga. At times, I was physically unable to put these books down. I appreciated the movies but I feel like I understand the characters so much better through the books. There are also so many details that were not included which is not a bad thing because it felt like discovering a whole new story. Where Katniss felt quite cold and unreadable in the movies, I feel like her rationale and fears are so well transcribed by the author. The saga is not merely a fast-paced story packed with action. I feel like the main themes are actually psychological, touching on overcoming trauma and dealing with grief which I did not get from the films and loved about the books. It is also deeply political and more complex that it seems. An inspiring and heartbreaking read!

Photo of Zachary Roberts
Zachary Roberts@zachsports22
4 stars
Jan 28, 2024

It’s the weakest yet and it definitely meanders for a while but the action in the latter portion of the book is unreal



Photo of Izaac Richards
Izaac Richards@izaacr

"But collectíve thinking is usually short-lived. We're fickle, stupid beings with poor memories and a great gift for self-destruction. Although who knows? Maybe this will be it, Katniss."

Page 442
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Photo of Izaac Richards
Izaac Richards@izaacr

"Ladies and Gentleman..."

His voice is quiet, but mine rings through the room.

"Let the Seventy-sixth Hunger Games begin!"

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Photo of Izaac Richards
Izaac Richards@izaacr

Poison. The perfect weapon for a snake

Page 201
Photo of Izaac Richards
Izaac Richards@izaacr

"Fire is catching!" I am shouting now, determined that he will not miss a word. "And if we burn, you burn with us!"

Page 118
Photo of Izaac Richards
Izaac Richards@izaacr

And then I understand. The Games are still on.

Page 36
Photo of Izaac Richards
Izaac Richards@izaacr

Peeta doesn't need a brush to paint images from the Games. He works just as well in words.

Page 27
Photo of lala

Katniss … he’s still trying to keep you alive.

Page 35


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Photo of Jessie

That what I need to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that.

Page 453
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Photo of Lotte Tielemans
Lotte Tielemans@lottetielemans

“When the time comes, I’ll flip you for it.”

The other side of the Coin

Photo of abi a
abi a@abiblu

Because something is significantly wrong with a creature that sacrifices its children's lives to settle its differences… The truth is, it benefits no one to live in a world where these things happen.

Photo of Alesha Clifford
Alesha Clifford@aleshadclifford

It's not wondering what I breathe in, but who that threatens to choke me.

Page 11
Photo of Julie <3
Julie <3@julieanna

I’ll tell them how I survive it. I'll tell them that on bad mornings, it feels impossible to take pleasure in anything because I'm afraid it could be taken away. That's when I make a list in my head of every act of goodness I've seen someone do. It's like a game. Repetitive. Even a little tedious after more than twenty years. But there are much worse games to play.

Page 390
Photo of Julie <3
Julie <3@julieanna

But his arms are there to comfort me. And eventually his lips. On the night I feel that thing again, the hunger that overtook me on the beach, I know this would have happened anyway. That what I need to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that.

Page 388
Photo of Julie <3
Julie <3@julieanna

I'm moving in toward the camera now, carried forward by my rage. "President Snow says he's sending us a message? Well. I have one for him. You can torture us and bomb us and burn our districts to the ground, but do you see that?" One of the cameras follows as I point to the planes burning on the roof of the warehouse across fromn us. The Capitol seal on a wing glows clearly through the flames. “Fire is catching!” I am shouting now, determined that he will not miss a word. “And if we burn, you burn with us!”

Page 100
Photo of Julie <3
Julie <3@julieanna

In his hands, I am again a mockingjay. "Cinna," I whisper…. I turn the pages slowly, seeing each detail of the uniform. The carefully tailored layers of body armor, the hidden weapons in the boots and belt, the special reinforcements over my heart. On the final page, under a sketch of my mockingjay pin, Cinna's written, I'm still betting on you.

Page 43
Photo of lucy lou
lucy lou@louhardy

You love me. Real or not real?

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Photo of lucy lou
lucy lou@louhardy

That what I need to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction.

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Photo of lucy lou
lucy lou@louhardy

It took five, ten, fifteen years for me to agree. But Peeta wanted them so badly.

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Photo of lucy lou
lucy lou@louhardy

But there are much worse games to play.

Photo of Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell@wiltedsarah

My children, who don't know they play on a graveyard.

Peeta says it will be okay. We have each other. And the book. We can make them understand in a way that will make them braver. But one day I’ll have to explain about my nightmares. Why they came. Why they won't ever really go away.

I’ll tell them how I survive it. I’ll tell them that on bad mornings, it feels impossible to take pleasure in anything because I'm afraid it could be taken away. That's when I make a list in my head of every act of goodness I've seen someone do. It's like a game. Repetitive. Even a little tedious after more than twenty years.

But there are much worse games to play.

Page 390
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Photo of Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell@wiltedsarah

Deep in the meadow, under the willow

A bed of grass, a soft green pillow

Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes

And when again they open, the sun will rise.

Here it's safe, here it's warm

Here the daisies guard you from every harm

Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true

Here is the place where I love you

Page 390
Photo of Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell@wiltedsarah

Peeta and I grow back together. There are still moments when he clutches the back of a chair and hangs on until the flashbacks are over. I wake screaming from nightmares of mutts and lost children. But his arms are there to comfort me. And eventually his lips. On the night I feel that thing again, the hunger that overtook me on the beach, I know this would have happened anyway. That what I need to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that.

So after, when he whispers, You love me. Real or not real?"

I tell him, “Real.”

Page 388
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Photo of Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell@wiltedsarah

Slowly, as I would with a wounded animal, my hand stretches out and brushes a wave of hair from his forehead. He freezes at my touch, but doesn't recoil. So I continue to gently smooth back his hair. Its the first time I have voluntarily touched him since the last arena.

"You're still trying to protect me. Real or not real, he whispers.

“Real," I answer. It seems to require more explanation. "Because that's what you and I do. Protect each other. After a minute or so, he drifts off to sleep.

Page 302
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Photo of Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell@wiltedsarah

It’s as if I’m Finnick, watching images of my life flash by. The mast of a boat, a silver parachute, Mags laughing, a pink sky, Beetee's trident, Annie in her wedding dress, waves breaking over rocks. Then it's over.

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