Warburg and Living Thought

Warburg and Living Thought

Aby Warburg, the founder of a new Science of Culture, the scholar who gave back word to the image; a “militant” intellectual (so wrote Gertrud Bing), for whom no distinction exists between life and thought; pioneer of new research methods, inventing ‘machines’ of knowledge; architect of spaces designed as arenas of thought. The Library for the Science of Culture (transferred from Hamburg to London in 1933) and the Mnemosyne Atlas are the achievements to which the most substantial part of his heritage is linked. The ten essays here collected for the first time, all stemming from the Italian cultural milieu, trace with clarity Warburg’s “living thought”. Giorgio Pasquali, Mario Praz, Gertrud Bing, Arsenio Frugoni, Giorgio Agamben, Guglielmo Bilancioni, Alessandro Dal Lago, Gianni Carchia, Salvatore Settis, Kurt W. Forster, Maurizio Ghelardi: the polyphonic dialogue, whether from close up or at a distance, between scholars of diverse backgrounds casts a new beacon of light that illuminates with clarity and precision Warburg’s personality and intellectual legacy. Summary Foreword by Monica Centanni Giorgio Pasquali, A Tribute to Aby Warburg [1930] Mario Praz, Aby Warburg, Gesammelte Schriften [1934] Gertrud Bing, Aby M. Warburg [1960] Arsenio Frugoni, The Renewal of Aby Warburg [1967] Giorgio Agamben, Aby Warburg and the Nameless Science [1975, 19842] Guglielmo Bilancioni, Aby Warburg, the great Lord of the Labyrinth [1984] Alessandro Dal Lago, The Archaic and its Double: Aby Warburg and Anthropology [1984] Gianni Carchia, Aby Warburg: Symbol and Tragedy [1984] Salvatore Settis, Warburg continuatus. The Description of a Library [1985, 19952] Kurt W. Forster, Aby Warburg, A Cartographer of Passions [1999] Maurizio Ghelardi, The final Warburg [2004] Afterword Monica Centanni, Aby Warburg and Living Thought Monica Centanni Monica Centanni, a classical philologist, teaches Greek Language and Literature in Venice, where the activities of the “Seminario Mnemosyne” take place since 2000. Centanni is the director of
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