Moon Tiger
Claudia Hampton, a beautiful, famous writer, lies dying in hospital. But, as the nurses tend to her with quiet condescension, she is plotting her greatest work: �a history of the world � and in the process, my own�. Gradually she re-creates the rich mosaic of her life and times, conjuring up those she has known. There is Gordon, her adored brother; Jasper, the charming, untrustworthy lover and father of Lisa, her cool, conventional daughter; and Tom, her one great love, both found and lost in wartime Egypt. Penelope Lively�s Booker Prize-winning novel weaves an exquisite mesh of memories, flashbacks and shifting voices, in a haunting story of loss and desire.

Eugenia Andino@laguiri
This book was recommended to me because I reminded several friends of one of the characters, and of course that made me curious. I bought it and it's been languishing on a shelf for too many years. It's next on my list. ***************** This has been a complete disappointment, mostly because the pace is too slow and the characters, language and events are not engaging enough to compensate for that. A shame.

Mat Connor@mconnor

Sadie Kimbrough@skimbs

Pierke Bosschieter@pierke


Angie Lee@angielee

Cristina P Miclea @cristinapmiclea

Irene Alegre@irenealegre

Lydia Rose@lydiareads

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cenk karagören@cenkk

tim h@timmyha

Carroll Lachnit@carolinalb

Moray Lyle McIntosh@bookish_arcadia

Rebekah Drapeau @msvance

Lisa Miller@kiwiflowa

Léa Beauchemin-Laporte@bethebluebook

Rachel Prudden@stubborncurias