
Eu tenho tanto pra falar, mas não faço a menor ideia de como. Uma montanha russa das mais completas, os altos te deixam eufórico e os baixos te atormentam. Ri, chorei, xinguei, falei “AÉ!” em voz alta em público. No fim, foi um grande final de uma grande trilogia, esse e todos os outros merecem muito mais reconhecimento.

The severity of how fucked up I was because Darrow is an unreliable narrator and has the ability to keep secrets from us was intense…

I think this series was almost too action-packed for my taste? By the time I finished this book, I was exhausted. I don't think it's a bad series, I just wanted more moments where things slowed down. Overall a fun experience and I will most likely read the second trilogy at some point.

They made a “bye, Felicia” joke

Okay... I need a minute after binging the second half of the book in one sitting. This whole series was one of the most memorable I've read in recent times. Amazing characters, tons of tension, the setting (is there anything cooler than space?), the ruthlessness!?! I did often find myself confused trying to decipher the future space lingo and the devices that were mentioned once or twice but bloodydamn, I really loved these books. Ooh, can we also just take a minute to appreciate that although humans fucked up royally in this future and got ourselves into this situation, we were able to come together to preserve this:

Stärkstes Buch der Trilogie. Gute storyline mir rasantem Tempo.
Viel Krieg, viel Machtkampf, viel Gewalt. Liest sich gut. :)

I think with this, I can now retrospectively review the series as a whole. The setting is not intricate and nor are the characters. This is important to mention as a backdrop to this review; as this is not a dense story in either category and does not excel that way. The setting is not dull, but it is not complex. The characters are not one-note, but they are not deep. These pieces move across the board to tell a generally basic sort of story, stitched together with and thens and but thens. Things happen one after the other in a very linear way - occasionally, they are punctured by twists and turns, or reversals, or surprises, but overall the story takes a non dynamic path, opting instead for something procedural and straightforward in hindsight. It even has an issue on occasion of undoing some of its story progress by way of a reversal of fortune that leaves Darrow right where he started pages and pages ago. However, with all that in mind, the story comes together to be entertaining and fun, due to two key parts. First, the premise of the underdog taking arms up against his oppressor and not just winning but dominating all those who refuse him is a pretty nifty concept, and it’s rarely as well done as it has been here. The kick of endorphins you get when Darrow manages to do something of note is unparalleled. Second, there is a charm to the simplicity of this story. It comes together much as something from the imagination of a younger boy, putting together cool things and people you like deep down on some level. Sevro, Mustang, Cassius, Darrow, Victra and Arcus au Lorn grow on you, as do so many more characters. You are drawn into their found family, or struggles, or intimate moments (however few) and grow to enjoy them. With that in mind though, I think the story in its later stages (especially this book) suffered from an over presence of the theme of friendship and power through it. Many a time we were shafted of our ability to see a grudge settled or a feud made good upon because of the author impressing upon us how much Darrow loved his friends and forgave his enemies on occasion. This would have been fine if it contributed to Darrow as a character or to the coda of the book as a whole, but it does not meaningfully and it does not transpire into a more well developed thesis, so it just ends up bogging you down on occasion.

Better than #1 and #2 imo.

My favorite of the series so far. The characters really develop in meaningful ways. Pierce Brown asks the reader to face some big questions about friendship, guilt, and grief. There are a few “gotcha” moments that are a bit of a stretch, but I’ve come to expect that with this series.

As a reader, there’s always that one book (or more than one) that you come across once in while that completely alters your perception of literature and storytelling. Morning star was it for me, the whirlwind of strong emotions aside, Pierce Brown continues to outdo himself and master his craft. There’s a big cast of characters and yet I can tell he’s given ample attention to each one, making them so complex and so real that I laughed and mourned with them. The character development (for Darrow, his friends and his enemies) is remarkable, it was so refreshing reading about these characters breaking out of the tired worn-out mentality that drove the corrupt Society. Sadly, there will always be those characters that are just unable to think beyond their status in the hierarchy and cannot move on, and there were. It was also interesting to read about certain eerie and deranged antagonists (oh and Pierce KNOWS how to write a psychologically sinister character), how they played the long game and their malevolent plans fell into place as they willed it, and how they were met with their due penalty. He’s done such an excellent job of capturing our own society, its so easy to read some of these characters and fell repulsed by them claiming we’re morally better than them, but this brilliant story forces you to reckon with the fact that all humans have these innate selfish ambitions and desires, and must seek to do better. This book has an abundance of found family like I’ve never seen before, it was fast paced, it was heavy and at some stages, thrilling and exciting. Plus the battle scenes were epic—as usual.This was beautiful and the ending was satisfying, but I’m definitely not stopping here, I intend to finish this saga and I have high expectations because bar has been set by Pierce himself.

I really enjoyed this one more than the other books in the "trilogy." It was very action packed and a super quick read.

Loved this series and this was a good ending of the trilogy.

This series is the crazy space opera I didn’t know I needed in my life. I went into it knowing 2 things: first, that the mc was named Darrow and second, that society was divided by colors. I’m glad I didn’t know anything about the plot or what happens to Darrow to push him on his crazy and heroic path because I feel like it made the reading experience more fun. The first book felt more like one very long prologue than a first book, but still a great read. The second book felt like a complete 180, turning the series into the grand, action packed space epic that it is. In my opinion, the best book in the series. The third book didn’t have as many shocking twist and turns, but it focused more on the characters and their relationships/goals and was still a fun read from start to finish. The second half contained one of the most entertaining political debates/negotiations I’ve read in a sff series. I was literally jumping out of my seat and there wasn’t even an epic fight or battle going on. When I’m entertained by POLITICS of all things in a book, that’s when I know the author is doing everything right. The og trilogy is nothing short of a crazy entertaining and emotional ride. Gosh I’ve used the word entertaining a lot. Now I’m picturing Darrow yelling “ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!”. Seems a fitting image for him. Anyways. The way Pierce Brown demonstrates Darrow’s struggle to be a light in a world that demands him to be anything but is absolutely gutting. I have been gutted. Oh, the pain. This is the first series I’ve read in 2022 (and the first books in general) and I’m already predicting it’ll land in my top 10 for the year.

When I began this journey in Red Rising I was unsure of the story through most of the book, yet, I had to keep reading. I blazed through Golden Son and was rewarded for that in spades. Pierce Brown managed an impossible feat, a sequel better than the first story. To say I was eagerly awaiting the conclusion would be an understatement. Morning Star is the book you want it to be. A thrilling race to the conclusion. I think it is a brilliant wrap up of the various storylines and it is grand on an almost operatic scale. Mr.Brown delivered a tale worthy of praise and admiration. It is wonderfully tense but intriguing. I am a fan for life. Howlers 4 Ever!

Been rereading this for a few months a little at a time, but read the last 200 pages over the course of this week and just finished it. So freakin good as it was last time!


Solid finish to the first 3 novels. It didn't capture me the same way the first two did, but thoroughly enjoyed it! Looking forward to reading the next one!

What an Epic exhausting journey Darrow!

INCROYABLE That is all I can say I couldn't even say it in English cos it doesn't hold the same strength ....pierce is a masterful storyteller From darrow capture to his rise to luna to reclaim everything for his dead wife, for his mother, brother and the rest of his howlers for his people ....pierce has been great with pacing, the writing us so compelling I love his use of metaphors and his ability to keep you suspense I mean for 5 plus pages I really thought sevro died I couldn't breathe....sneaky bastard I'm impressed I honestly thought it couldn't get better than golden son but it did ...this is sci-fi royalty as far as I am concerned ....INCROYABLE

I HAVE NOT SCREAMED THIS MUCH OVER A BOOK IN A WHILE. This was so, so, good - very engaging, twists and turns everywhere and one of my favourite sci-fi universes. I'm in love and it was so heartbreaking to see these characters go through what they had to go through. Sevro au Barca is so, so, cool.

BLOODYDAMN, WHAT A RIDE! This trilogy is just, ugh, fantastic. I'm amazed by this messed up world and its politics, the growth of our characters, the relationship they had with each other, and the plot. Pierce brown, how did you do it? Fooled us and twist our head multiple times by betrayal and revelation i never expected. It was mentally exhausting, but i love every minute of it! The violence though, it's soo gruesome, i sometimes need to stop to take a rest. But otherwise, this has become my all-time favourite series, and i just know that the follow-up series will just be as amazing, if not more.

Excellent conclusion to be series. Pierce Brown landed the plane well. Rarely am I surprised by plot twists and conclusions, but Pierce surprised me. I loved how the trilogy ended.

Pierce Brown is officially my most favourite author of all time. Each book seems to get better than the previous one and the writing is compellingly and consistently good.

4.5 out of 5 stars, for both this book and the series overall. That was a wild, brutal ride. Excellent, but brutal. Brown knows how to write a finale. Were there issues with this last book? Yes. Some scenes were drawn out, other scenes were rushed. Some writing decisions made by Brown felt like they were made purely to mess with the emotions of the reader, not to further the plot. But other decisions Brown made were tiny but wonderful, such as the inclusion of a beloved meme. Darrow’s character was a bit lackluster in this final book, but it was a believable lack, in my opinion. The poor man had been through the wringer. One does not simply get over the psychological ramifications of torture just because one is freed from their prison cell. If he would’ve just popped right back into the character he was in Golden Son, I think I would have lost a bit of respect for Brown’s writing, so I appreciate how he wrote his central character. There was also some incredible growth in some of the side characters, namely Sevro, Ragnar, and Victra. Watching Sevro grow from book one to book three was really wonderful. I got attached to so many characters, and my heart shattered when some of them didn’t survive. I did have a few qualms with the series overall. First, I’m not a fan of a first person narrative. I understand that the series wouldn’t have worked as well any other way, but being inside someone’s mind for three books gets a bit tedious after a while. Also, it’s incredibly hard to hide a plot twist when the narrator is involved, because how can he keep from thinking about the plan he helped engineer? Thus, some things that should have been shocking ended up being a tad predictable. Some of the romance felt contrived, as well. The conclusion felt a bit rushed, but I tend to feel that way about any good story; I just don’t want it to end. All in all, I was satisfied. And I can’t wait to read Iron Gold! A buddy read with my besties: Luna, Mary, Petrik, and Tweebs

That gulf that divided us is still there, filled with questions and recrimination and guilt, but that's only part of love, part of being human. Everything is cracked, everything is stained except the fragile moments that hang crystal-line in time and make life worth living.

Somewhere the wind howls and the darkness whispers that I’m running out of friends, running out of light. The blood slithers away from his body toward my boots. A shard of my own reflection trapped in its red fingers.

War is not monstrous for making corpses of men so much as it is for making machines of them. And woe to those who have no use in war except to feed the machines.

“Cassius au Bellona killed my father…”…”but I forgive him. Why? Because he was protecting the world he knew, because he was afraid.”… "We are the new age. The new world. And if we're to show the way, then we better damn well make it a better one. I am Sevro au Barca. And I am no longer afraid."

Only it's not a tongue. It's Cassius's bloody razor that entered through the back of the Praetorian's skull and out between his teeth. It disappears back into the mouth.
ooh la so predictable

The Jackal is wearing Fitchner's rib cage.
get help

But before the first warchief can even draw their blade, Sefi steps forward, lifts the razor I gave her, and decapitates her mother. Alia's head falls to the floor, eyes still open. The woman's huge body remains stand-ing. Slowly it tips backward and thuds to the ground. Sefi stands over the fallen queen and spits on the corpse.
icon legend the moment everything

They don't know how to treat us, or Cassius, who several of the warriors pul away from us like dogs fighting for scrap meat. The arrow's still in his neck. Whites of his eyes huge. He reaches for me in terror as the Obsidians drag him across the floor. His hand grasps mine, holds for a moment and then he’s gone down a torch-lit hall borne away by half a dozen giants.
drop his hand DROP HIS HAND

My friend, my protector, Ragnar Volarus has left this world.
stupid fucking death he deserved more bitch ass aja

Ragnar does not wait for the pliers. He pulls out his back tooth with his bare fingers, eyes wide with delight as he sets the huge bloody thing on the table. “I die with my friends."
this is very hardcore but i fear i would need anaesthetic

"One thing doesn't make sense, Kavax. If this is true, why didn't you make contact with Sevro?"
Kavax blinks up at me. "We did. Months ago. Didn't he tell you?"
no YOURE shitting me

“You see Cassius at all?"
“Twice, at the end. Why?"
"Oh, nothing." He turns to me, eyes glittering. “It's just that he's the one who put Pops down."
oh you’re fucking me you’re actually fucking me

I blanch. “What?"
“They're yours."
"My what?"
“Your eyes!"
“My eyes.."
“Did yon Friendly Giant drop you on your head in the rescue? Mickey had your eyes in a cryobox at his joint in Yorkton-creepy place, by the by-when we raided it for supplies to bring back to Tinos to help the Rising. I figured you weren't usin' 'em, so..." He shrugs awkwardly. "So I asked if he'd put 'em in. You know. Bring us closer together. Something to remember you by. That's not so weird, right?"
“I told him it was odd," Ragnar says. One of the girls is climbing his leg.
“Do you want the eyes back?" Sevro asks, suddenly worried. I can give them back."
“No!" I say. “It's just I forgot how crazy you are."
"Oh." He laughs and slaps my shoulder. "Good. I thought it was some- thing serious.”
sevro is insane but what’s new lads