A Treasury of British Humor

A Treasury of British Humor

Morris Bishop1942
(Continued) Includes writings by Agnes Hunt, E.F. Benson, Norman Douglas, Ernest Bramah, Stephen Leacock, Saki, Hilaire Belloc, Max Beerbohm, Harry Graham, G.K. Chesterton, Maurice Baring, Lord Dunsany, A.E. Coppard, Robert Lynd, A. Neil Lyons, Adrian Porter, P.G. Wodehouse, Katherine Mansfield, A.P. Herbert, E. Delafield, Rose Macaulay, Aldous Huxley, F.L. Lucas, D.B. Wyndham Lewis, Bruce Marshall, James Laver, Noel Coward, Jan Struther, John Collier, Roy Campbell, Stella Gibbons, Patrick Barrington, Evelyn Waugh, Eric Knight, William Plomer, T.H. White, John Betjeman, Peter Fleming, R.A.A. Robertson, Nathaniel Gubbins, Daniel Pettiward, Angela Milne, Angela Thirkell, Eliot Crawshay-Williams.
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