Mr Salary

I held my breath from start to finish. Rooney describes yearning so well it hurts. THIS IS INTENSE.

I forgot to breath when I was reading this.

need this as a full book!
this is my first rooney work and i completely get the hype around her. gonna get started on her other works brb

Sally Rooney writing >

COMPLICATED relationships in such a compact and concise story. Enjoyed!

neeeeeed this as a full book

This is my first read for Sally Rooney, I'm not fond with short stories normally "especially romantic ones" but!! this one was cozy and touching, I'm glad I found it, I liked her writing style and I'm planning to read her other works soon. *I think it would've been better if it was a full length novel, I wanted to know more about the characters.*

I LIKED IT A LOT OMG. Idk it just felt very real in some way and poignant and weirdly relatable for some people, i just think that there are people who are interested in love stories like this… or to be in one.

I love it. Although the writing style is a bit confusing for me as this is my first Sally Rooney, but very intriguing!


the people are once again asking for the full novel

her writing is just too good

4/5 So, where’s the full length novel? It was your typical Sally Rooney story with no quotation marks, not much of a plot just vibes, but I definitely need more. "We were predictable to each other, like two halves of the same brain." "My love for him felt so total and so annihilating that it was often impossible for me to see him clearly at all."

this was interesting...

A quick read that you can dive into on your daily morning commute or in the 30 minutes between your doom-scrolling and when sleep finally hits you. I think that Rooney’s ability to force us to confront the nature of our humanness—messy and unregulated yet so hopeful and idealistic—is what enraptures us all.

as usual another sally rooney book that i loved 😁 like why was it so short but had me hooked!!! i wish she made it into a full novel tho, i need more time to dissect nathan and sukie’s relationship by the time i could form some kind of opinion the book was over 😭

It's like you've been starving for 14 days and finally got your hands on some bussin' cheeseburger only for it to be taken away by an unknown force of nature and now your hunger would never be satisfied, you'll always wonder how that remaining piece of cheeseburger taste like. Now you're not just starving, but also sad, and miserable. This is what this book made me feel. It is my first Sally Rooney book, definitely looking forward for more.

sorry. marupok lang.

i want one nathan in my life

i had been anticipating reading normal people and conversations with friends eventually, but after reading this short story i'm unsure if i'll ~vibe~ with sally rooney. i admittedly found her writing compelling enough to want to finish the story. it has a distinctive quality that feels simultaneously raw and unabashed but also painfully self-aware of its own 'hip' and 'cool'-ness (is the reader supposed to feel cool for reading and resonating with these characters?). i found the topics of the grotesque of the everyday / 'forbidden' attractions / conflicting feelings about loss interesting, though i dislike the idea that this incest-y, age-gappy situation was "the brink of the inevitable" (but then, maybe i am supposed to be questioning my societally-ingrained distaste for this relationship; what's wrong with two consenting adults?). i guess my point is that i can see the rooney appeal, but the story left me feeling mildly bewildered and uncomfortable. like a candy that tastes sweet at first but leaves a weird aftertaste.


I think it's fair enough to say I'm a Sally Rooney groupie by now. If she wrote the classifieds, I'd read it everyday. This woman's talent goes beyond everything I've ever seen. That being said, I loved this short story, and was heartbroken when it ended.

2.5 idk

i need a whole book about this story and these characters and i need it NOW

My love for him felt so total and so annihilating that it was often Impossible for me to see him clearly at all.

It was in my nature to absorb large volumes of information during times of distress, like I could master the distress through intellectual dominance.

My love for him felt so total and so annihilating that it was often impossible for me to see him clearly at all.

We were predictable to each other, like two halves of the same brain.

It was in my nature to absorb large volumes of information during times of distress, like I could master the distress through intellectual dominance.
sukie is me

It was in my nature to absorb large volumes of information during times of distress, like I could master the distress through intellectual dominance.

My love for him felt so total and so annihilating that it was often impos- sible for me to see him clearly at all.

"I don't like these conversations where you ask me to imagine your death." - "Why not?" - "How would you like it if I died? -" I just want to know you love me", I said.