Master of the Ghost Dreaming

Master of the Ghost Dreaming

Lost is the way to the skyland. Our souls wander forlornly in the land of ghosts. Our spirits become their play things; our bodies their food, to be ripped apart, and our gnawed bones are scattered. We are in despair; we are sickening unto death; we call to be healed. Anxiously we wait for our mapan, the Master of the Ghost Dreaming to deliver us. In the first years of the 19th century a small Aboriginal tribe reels under the threat of white invasion of their ancestral lands. Fada, a missionary from London, is attempting to impose a Christian God over their ancient beliefs. Fada and his wife Mada bring with them disease and despair, along with a message of hope - the result of their own Cockney dreaming. This novel by Mudrooroo, author of the acclaimed Wild Cat Falling, is a story of survival - physical, metaphysical and magical. It is also the story of Jangamuttuk, the custodian of the Ghost Dreaming, and his shamanistic efforts to will his tribe back to its own promised land. This is the first of the completed quartet known as his Vampyre Novels...
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