The Shambling Guide to New York City
A travel writer takes a job with a shady publishing company in New York, only to find that she must write a guide to the city - for the undead! Because of the disaster that was her last job, Zoe is searching for a fresh start as a travel book editor in the tourist-centric New York City. After stumbling across a seemingly perfect position though, Zoe is blocked at every turn because of the one thing she can't take off her resume --- human. Not to be put off by anything -- especially not her blood drinking boss or death goddess coworker -- Zoe delves deep into the monster world. But her job turns deadly when the careful balance between human and monsters starts to crumble -- with Zoe right in the middle.

Ben Nathan@benreadssff
Great fun! I want to give it 4.5, but I guess I'll just round up. A brilliantly executed premise (travel guide for monsters in NYC), wonderful characters (literally, full of wonder), and well written to boot. I had a blast with this and felt an immediate need to start the second book. This is a perfect vacation read as you simply turn the pages, smile a bit, and move along with the story. Always had another surprise, always kept it fun and fresh.

Andrea Mack@wisdomcheck

Grace Piper@the_anachronista

rex chekal@rexc

Ana Hein@anahein99

Didi Chanoch@didichanoch


Kate O'Brien@wonderfullylost

Chad Henderson@elmofromok

Samantha Armstrong@kitchen_raptor

Maggie Delano@maggiedelano


Pam Sartain@certainlygeeky

Kelly Gorman@dreadpiratekel

Enfys J. Book@enfysbook