Murder of Crows

Murder of Crows

Anne Bishop2014
Return to New York Times bestselling author Anne Bishop’s world of the Others—where supernatural entities and humans struggle to co-exist, and one woman has begun to change all the rules… After winning the trust of the Others residing in the Lakeside Courtyard, Meg Corbyn has had trouble figuring out what it means to live among them. As a human, Meg should be barely tolerated prey, but her abilities as a cassandra sangue make her something more. The appearance of two addictive drugs has sparked violence between the humans and the Others, resulting in the murder of both species in nearby cities. So when Meg has a dream about blood and black feathers in the snow, Simon Wolfgard—Lakeside’s shape-shifting leader—wonders if their blood prophet dreamed of a past attack or a future threat. As the urge to speak prophecies strikes Meg more frequently, trouble finds its way inside the Courtyard. Now, the Others and the handful of humans residing there must work together to stop the man bent on reclaiming their blood prophet—and stop the danger that threatens to destroy them all.
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Photo of Jasmine
5 stars
Jan 21, 2023

I love these books so so much all the characters have instantly taken up a place in my heart, the world building is incredible, and the storylines are gripping. I'm a huge romance fan hence I read a lot of books with romances but even though the romance here is pretty much nonexistent I mean there is definitely potential for something... slowest burning romance ever maybe? I'm on board!! Anyways, regardless these books have my complete attention and there is not a single thing I would change. I can't believe I've had these books staring at me from my bookshelf for this long, hitting myself in the head for not reading them sooner because I'm addicted. Looks like I'm going to be dropping all the books I planned on reading until catch up on this series because I can't stop reading!!

Photo of Savannah Winchell
Savannah Winchell@savantagonist
4 stars
Aug 14, 2022

Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop 4⭐️ - I LOVE MY BB CROWS - hella cultural subtext - these characters are perf - WHY WONT MY FAVES MAKEOUT THO - the world building is so subtle. Girl is a genius - it’s pretty slow at times which I love but I did get a little bored

Photo of Vilde
5 stars
Jul 25, 2022

Swoon. I loved the book, and this audiobook is just as good. Alexandra Harris does a fabulous job as the narrator. The only thing that I can point out here, is the change in the pronouciation of a couple of words, which were adjusted to the way that Anne Bishop intended them to be — though I think I prefered the way they were pronouced in the previous book Written in Red, but that's just nitpick.

Photo of Vilde
5 stars
Jul 25, 2022

The Others continues to excels in the second book! I love the continuing explorations of the characters, the dynamics between the characters and the further depths of this universe reveals. Written in Blood was only the beginning of something.

Photo of Sabetha Danes
Sabetha Danes@aconitecafe
4 stars
Mar 27, 2022

I will say for people who weren't taken with the first novel and are toying with the idea of reading the second. The story line is intriguing. It answers a lot of questions I had after the first, and leaves you with more questions for the 3rd. It wasn't so much *let's find the girl* as the first one was but it did bring it up which was ugh. Over all it was way better than the first book. Not so much information dumping, and more actual story.

Photo of Sarah Escorsa
Sarah Escorsa@shrimpy
4 stars
Mar 8, 2022

Previous rating: 3.545897468 stars. (Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I read this one very wrong the first time around.( New rating: 4.12356458 stars. (Seen the light I have! Go me and stuff!) ➽ And the moral of this reread is: not-edible exploding fluffballs for the win! ➽ And the other moral of this reread is: chick movies with no small birds in them are complete rip-offs, if you ask me. That's not exactly the type of small bird I had in mind but yeah, sure, whatever and stuff. 👋 Until next time and stuff. [September 2019] Actual rating: 3.545897468 stars. This one should have been thrice as deadly as the first instalment in the series was. Or wasn’t. Or should have been but shockingly proved to be not. Or vice versa. Perhaps. Then again maybe not. (In case you were wondering, YES, I am feeling slightly a little bit confused as fish right now. I think.) (view spoiler)[ (hide spoiler)] Anyhooooo and stuff. As I was so brilliantly trying to explain, I should have DNFed this book twice as fast as I didn’t DNF Written in Red. (What do you mean, this sentence makes no sense? Of course it does. You’re just not drunk enough to appreciate the full extent of its unfathomable depth and stuff.) So. Yes. I mean no. As in no DNFing this one either. Bloody stinking shrimp of the lethargic barnacle, I sure seem to be getting disgustingly soft in my old age. I’m telling you, Decades Younger Nefarious Little Me of Last Year would have unleashed the crustaceans on this deliriously slightly dull story before even getting to the third chapter. So much…nothingness! Such deliciously irrelevant details revealed and unnecessarily stretched to deathly death! There’s even less stuff happening than in the first book! Not to mention that the plot doesn’t truly develop until you get to the last part of the story! And Meg! She’s as flat and bland as ever! So is Simon! And there is as much chemistry between them as there is between malnourished yeti crabs and apathetic jellyfish! And I’m all for slow-burn romances but I think there’s a slight chance I might die before these two even start thinking about whether they should consider maybe getting close enough to possibly air-kiss on the cheeks! It’s wonderful! Let’s dance! So why did I finish the book, you ask? Because I’m a masochist, you say? Well there is that, yes. But there is also the fact that I kinda sorta like this world a little lot. Because it’s original and intriguing and stuff and I want to keep reading about it and stuff. Also, I kinda sorta like all the characters that are not Meg and Simon in the series and want to keep reading about them and stuff. (Grandpa Erebus = 💕 lurve 💕) Also also…err…nothing really. I mean, I’m not even that interested in the whole Cassandra Sangue Thingie (CST™). Or the in the series arc. I just want to know more about the Courtyard, its inhabitants and their daily lives. Oh my shrimp. It’s official, I need professional help. Fleet Admiral DaShrimp! Fetch Dr Prawn at once! My Once Superior Brain Cells (OSBS™) seem to be affected by a most cunning disease! Its progress must be stopped before it reaches its final stage and I start rating Young Adult Paranormal Fantasy Romances 6 stars and stuff! My thoughts exactly. P.S. Oh, in case you were wondering: Yes, crows were viciously murdered slightly harmed during the nearly non-existent development of this plots. Ooops. Spoiler warning and stuff. (view spoiler)[You’re welcome. (hide spoiler)] [Pre-review nonsense] Bloody shrimping hell of the stinking fish, I liked this instalment, too! What is happening to me??!!! Did my evil twin cunningly take over again???!!! Super Extra Short Review (SESR™) to come and stuff. · Book 1: Written in Red ★★★★ · Book 3: Vision in Silver ★★★★ · Book 4: Marked in Flesh ★★★★ · Book 5: Etched in Bone ★★★★

Photo of Anastaciya
2 stars
Oct 27, 2021

silly and annoying.

Photo of Tae Thompson
Tae Thompson@taethompson
5 stars
Oct 20, 2021

I love this and Anne was able to keep the ball rolling coming into the second book and rolling strong. I am so happy I found these book now and not as soon as they came out because I don't think I could handle having to wait to start the third book. The characters are stronger here and they seem like friends to the reader ( if that makes any sense). The plot kept you guessing about what was happening. The only thing I am not sure about is the fact that this seems more like a close/conclusion and not a second book in a six book series.

Photo of Lorien O'Brien
Lorien O'Brien@lorienkittybooks
5 stars
Aug 31, 2021

Book 2 of The Others series by Anne Bishop is an interesting read, and just as brilliant. There were scenes that still make me chuckle, and scenes that made me a little nauseous. This sequel focuses on closure on the major problem of keeping Meg safe from The Controller, who has his finger in a dangerous pie. All the seers start having trouble seeing anything because suddenly there's nothing but death for every question, every possible future. I love the relationship developing between Simon and Meg, and how Sam is growing up a bit. The movie scene was HILARIOUS. I also adore Skippy, who sounds like all he has is ADHD. They're so cute. I love the new humans showing up in support of the Others, and deepening relationships they have for Meg, and now her "human pack". And I love how Heather though she leaves, remains a friend of them, even if she can't be around them often. Ruthie and Marie Lee are BADASSES, like for REAL. I adore them. Now there's a level of violence in this novel that even Black Jewels doesn't cover. Black Jewels is better at glossing over things a little more than this novel did. People ground up and chopped up and put in cans? Yeah. Beyond gross. Very disgusting, worse than Black Jewels, IMO. Black Jewels has other things that may be worse, but this was nauseating, at least for me. But all in all I adore this books and will be buying the series that's currently published ASAP (meaning on my payday). Definite 5 out of 5 Stars from me!

Photo of Becky
5 stars
Nov 14, 2023
Photo of Ruth Lykins
Ruth Lykins @skinyl
4.5 stars
May 16, 2022
Photo of Andrea Mack
Andrea Mack@wisdomcheck
5 stars
Apr 4, 2024
Photo of Vicky  Nuñez
Vicky Nuñez @vicky21
5 stars
Mar 25, 2024
Photo of Gwyn Dill
Gwyn Dill@gwyndill
4 stars
Dec 30, 2023
Photo of owo
4 stars
Aug 25, 2023
Photo of Gennesa Leu
Gennesa Leu @gnessret
5 stars
Aug 9, 2023
Photo of shelby mosel
shelby mosel@shelbymosel
5 stars
Jun 28, 2023
Photo of Kaddi
Kaddi @kaddi99
4 stars
Apr 1, 2023
Photo of Sujay Kathrotia
Sujay Kathrotia@sujay
4 stars
Mar 20, 2023
Photo of Sara Piteira
Sara Piteira @sararsp
4 stars
Oct 31, 2022
Photo of Ashley Janssen
Ashley Janssen@aninterestingidea
4 stars
Oct 18, 2022
Photo of Dan Peterson
Dan Peterson@danvpeterson
4 stars
Oct 3, 2022
Photo of Alex Roland
Alex Roland@alexkroland
3 stars
Sep 9, 2022
Photo of shorouq ali
shorouq ali@tiamat
3 stars
Sep 6, 2022