My Best Friend's Exorcism
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My Best Friend's Exorcism A Novel

Grady Hendrix2016
This ENHANCED DIGITAL EDITION features TONS of TOTALLY AWESOME ’80s bonus materials—including Satanic Panic educational pamphlets, a do-it-yourself exorcism cheat sheet, a Spotify playlist of awesome ’80s tunes, animated cover artwork, and much more! From the New York Times best-selling author of The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires comes an unholy hybrid of Beaches and The Exorcist that blends teen angst, adolescent drama, unspeakable horrors, and a mix of ’80s pop songs into a pulse-pounding supernatural thriller. The year is 1988. High school sophomores Abby and Gretchen have been best friends since fourth grade. But after an evening of skinny-dipping goes disastrously wrong, Gretchen begins to act…different. She’s moody. She’s irritable. And bizarre incidents keep happening whenever she’s nearby. Abby’s investigation leads her to some startling discoveries—and by the time their story reaches its terrifying conclusion, the fate of Abby and Gretchen will be determined by a single question: Is their friendship powerful enough to beat the devil?
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Photo of Kristen Claiborn
Kristen Claiborn@kristenc
5 stars
Nov 3, 2024

          I was born in the late 1970s, so my formative years existed primarily in the 80s ad 90s.  I fell in love early with Stephen King novels and the movies followed shortly behind.  Horror movies from the 1980s were a completely different type of movie than the high-budget, CGI generated flicks of today, but they were where I found my love of the genre.  80s slasher films are still some of my favorite movies.  This book, much to my delight, somehow channeled the overall feeling of those movies, and I absolutely loved it. 

            I love the contrast between the two best friends: Abby from the “poor” family and Gretchen from the well-to-do family.  Of course, it’s expected that Abby will be the bad influence, while Gretchen is the good girl that comes from the good family.  When it’s clear to Abby that some bad juju has befallen her friend, she tried her hardest to convince the adults that Gretchen needed help.  Instead of getting assistance, the blame for it all falls squarely on Abby’s shoulders.  She strengthened her resolve and decided to fix the  problem herself.  

            Spoiler alert: it worked.

            80s horror had a tendency to have a predominantly happy ending with the potential for a sequel…and this book followed the same course.  It was everything I loved about 80s horror, and everything I wanted this book to be.  Whether you’re a fan of the genre as a whole, or just want a brief reminder of the joy of old-school slasher flicks, this book is worth reading. 

Photo of Megan Christensen
Megan Christensen@megan_ani_reads
3.5 stars
Aug 24, 2024

my feelings about this book changed about every 50 pages. the overall concept and characters were fine, but I feel like it was just missing a little more oomph

Photo of Eva Ströberg
Eva Ströberg@cphbirdlady
5 stars
Jul 19, 2024

This book is refreshingly good, funny and contain all good and bad 80s things from my own teenage years. It feels like walking down a memory lane with the familiar songs, the clothing trends (that I’m not proud of) and the teenage friendship. Nevermind the exorcism, this book is good enough for all those things above by themselves

Photo of Princess Doe
Princess Doe @princessdoe
4 stars
Jul 6, 2024

This was a really fun read, and really creative! I recommend it for anyone who is into the 80's aesthetic and wants to read something fun, and is into horrors

Photo of Ryan Mateyk
Ryan Mateyk@the_rybrary
4 stars
Jul 4, 2024

A perfect, spooky, heartwarming tale of possession and friendship!

Photo of Essence
2.5 stars
Jun 26, 2024

the power of friendship!

Photo of tori 👻
tori 👻@persefonitas
4 stars
Jun 15, 2024

That ending... my God...

Photo of LIMEKI
LIMEKI @livingdeadpigeon9
4.5 stars
Jun 9, 2024

This book has everything "Jennifer's body" has and way more. My god the Roman empire...

(Not giving 5 because Chris was way too unserious).

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of ghost girl in satin
ghost girl in satin@ghostgirlinsatin
2 stars
Apr 30, 2024

This book promised me an epic friendship, an exorcism and 80s vibes. I did get the 80s nostalgia but the characters felt flat, the execution wasn't what I wanted it to be, and I get bored when I was supposed to get scarred. It just wasn't for me.

Photo of Laura Hurst
Laura Hurst@lolaknitface
4.5 stars
Mar 17, 2024

As soon as I saw the retro 80s videotape cover staring out at me I knew I had to buy this book. I love scary, and specifically paranormal, movies, and have been keen to read more scary books to see if they can give me the same frights. This book didn’t disappoint!

It wasn’t at all what I expected, in a good way. I think the author is also a screenwriter, and throughout the whole book I found myself praying that it would be made into a movie. It was visceral, harrowing at times, but also hilarious at others. Unlike anything I have ever read.

Photo of britt
4 stars
Mar 4, 2024

i greatly enjoyed this. finishing it made me tear up. i felt physically ill while reading it too. adolescence really is hell. (also oddly enough this book gave me more faith in christianity than any sermon i’ve heard)

Photo of chloe rae
chloe rae@heychloerae
3 stars
Feb 14, 2024

Well, that was...interesting. I totally don't know how to feel about this book. I mean, I enjoyed it-but only about the last 100 pages. I found the first 2/3 of this book INCREDIBLY boring. I just didn't care all that much. I was about to put the book down and move on to something else (which I hate doing) but I had a feeling it was about to get interesting. I was right! The ending was probably the best part of the book. I thought it was a little abrupt after the climax of the story, and I felt like it was slightly missing something, but I'm satisfied. There were a lot of aspects of the story (especially towards the end) that I found really gross, but I appreciate the fact that he included them; it made the horror seem more real. I didn't like the fact that he wrote in third person; it had no purpose. I think maybe that's why I didn't care so much about the characters. And he definitely spent way too much time planting roots for the main friendship and I think that's why the beginning was a little dreadful. Also, this book is sorta funny but not nearly as funny as I hoped. I mean, one author who blurbed the book on the front linked it to Tina Fey humor and I definitely did not get that. I did enjoy this, really. I just wanted to LOVE it and I was disappointed. It was fun to read around Halloween though; definitely added to the spooky factor. And it still has one of the coolest covers ever!

Photo of Daisy Rox
Daisy Rox@cosmicrocket
4 stars
Jan 15, 2024

It's really good. Didn't expect to cry. I felt things 🤣. I am still confused about how she ended up possessed. I know it's metaphorical but I so lost. It's good though. Highly recommend it.

This review contains a spoiler
Photo of Paige Paul
Paige Paul@ppaul13
4 stars
Oct 29, 2023

80’s dark comedy vibes with a lot of detail added with images added and a yearbook style beginning and end. Very unique story - moments of a thriller, but overall a fun story about lasting high school friendship.

Photo of Denaiir
4 stars
Oct 3, 2023

This was a lot of fun. The build up to the possession "diagnosis" was very long and I got antsy, but in a good way. I wish the scenes with animal harm were not in there, but ok. I didn't like the epilogue that much, didn't need it, but the book as a whole was good.

Photo of Lara Engle
Lara Engle@bzzlarabzz
5 stars
Aug 23, 2023

I was thinking four stars through most of the book, but the end was so poignant and perfect and real that it must be five. I love the nostalgia and the sweetness of the best friend relationship. It makes me want to have a sleepover with my friends, hopefully without any exorcisms needed.

Photo of Caitlin Carino
Caitlin Carino@caitlin_vee
5 stars
Aug 6, 2023

i recommend this book to literally EVERYONE who loves all things spooky. this read has all the charm of a campy 80s flick, while also managing to be thoroughly scary! probs in my top 3 reads of all time!

Photo of Leah Diaz
Leah Diaz @leah_diaz
4 stars
Jul 14, 2023

Stranger things x Jenny’s Body x AHS

If ^ had a baby, that would be this story. This books screams the 80’s and was a good story. If AHS made a Satanic Panic season, I imagine it would be something like this book. I read as a summer read.

Photo of rumbledethumps
3 stars
Jun 26, 2023

Cute book. Perhaps too cute. But Hendrix can tell a story, and I'll definitely read more of his stuff.

Photo of Tabea
4 stars
Jun 20, 2023

It felt like a cheesy 80s horror movie. Nothing more, nothing less. It was very weird, but also very fun to read. #DBNQ 🤪

Photo of C. J. Daley
C. J. Daley @cjdscurrentread
4 stars
May 13, 2023

I decided to give this one a go because it was free to listen on audible (although I own a copy). I just figured it would be a change of pace from the back-to-back fantasy on my plate at the moment. This story is definitely a love letter to the 80s. The description of hairstyles, phones they use, the characters, the chapter names, the music they listen to, all felt authentically 80s. The cover art can’t be ignored either! It’s not only an author choosing a time period and writing things so you understand they did the research, this novel lives and breathes as an actual timepiece. Then there are horrors thrown in…naturally. My favorite thing from this entire novel is the friend dynamic. The feeling of having a best friend that is solely yours, the feeling of them branching out and getting new friends, the feeling of possibly slipping away. I think almost everyone has experienced something like that. When you’ve always known everything about someone, and then someone tells you something contrary, perhaps something terrible…you may need to preform an exorcism. The exorcism itself and the climax for me were a little lackluster. I had recently read The Exorcist, so this was honestly competing with a lot for me. I will say though that the exorcist being a beefy gym Christian jock was absolutely hysterical though. The author did however follow the climax up with a very heartfelt ending that I really did enjoy.

Photo of Bethany
Bethany @echelon_boo
4 stars
May 8, 2023

** spoiler alert ** A star off for poor Good Dog Max 😭

Photo of Mariah crawford
Mariah crawford@justmariahcrawford
3.5 stars
May 3, 2023

For this being my first thriller/spooky book I liked it! It gave stranger things in a great way & I fell in love with Abby & the sweet soul she is. Gretchen & Abby are the perfect representation on a friendship ♥️The ending caught me off guard in the best way honestly! After everything I was like okayyyy where are they going with this & was sure the ending was going to be a let down but it was honestly so perfect! I don’t want to spoil anything but give the ending a chance!

Photo of Alexa M
Alexa M@alexasversion
4 stars
Feb 6, 2023

i love a good ole story about 2 best friends (and the devil but, you know)


Photo of Tabea

"He was a Dungeons and Dragons geek," Nikki said. “That's why he killed his mom. The game made him do it." You're insane," Dereck said. “A game can't make anyone do anything." "It's a satanic game," Nikki said, and she rolled her eyes. "You're so naive."

Page 215

Basically the plot of Riverdale season 3

Photo of Bruno De Miranda
Bruno De Miranda@brunok

“They didn’t make it to Halley’s Comet, But they tried”