My Bondage and My Freedom

My Bondage and My Freedom

Written ten years after his legal emancipation, MY BONDAGE AND MY FREEDOM catapulted Frederick Douglass into the international spotlight as a leading spokesperson for American blacks, both freed and in slavery. This, Douglass's second autobiography, was written during his celebrated career as a speaker and newpaper editor, and reveals a mature and forceful character utterly committed to the fight for equal rights and liberties.
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Photo of Shailan Gosai
Shailan Gosai@shayg
5 stars
Dec 20, 2022
Photo of Kymberly L McNabb
Kymberly L McNabb@tregirl4
3 stars
Oct 28, 2021
Photo of Sean McGilvray
Sean McGilvray@semanticdrifter
2 stars
Sep 21, 2021