The Impact of Near-Infrared Sky Surveys on Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy

The Impact of Near-Infrared Sky Surveys on Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy Proceedings of the 3rd EUROCONFERENCE on Near-Infrared Surveys held at Meudon Observatory, France, June 19–20, 1997

N. Epchtein2012
Thirty years after the pioneering enterprise of Neugebauer and collabo rators, the astronomical sky is surveyed anew in the near infrared range with a gain in sensitivity greater than 4 orders of magnitude. Data have started to come through the "pipelines" routinely and at the turn of the century, the astronomical community will be provided with immense databases that will eventually contain accurate positions and 3- colour (or even 4-colour after merging DENIS and 2MASS data) photometry for hundreds million of stars and millions of galaxies. This fantastic harvest of data will eventually result of the huge effort that has been deployed on both sides of the Antlantic to promote 2 major projects, 2MASS and DENIS. rd The basic aim of this 3 Euroconference (and last in the series), was to put in close contact the scientific teams of 2MASS and DENIS in order to present and discuss the first significant results of the two surveys and to start promoting possible future plans
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