
This was painful for me to finish, do not recommend at all although I did enjoy the last chapter.

Truly hilarious, loved this collection of autobiographical essays.

Superb. Candid. Fun. Now that I’ve discovered David Sedaris’ writing, I never again want to leave my home. I plan to devour everything he’s written until I’m done. Pure joy.

"How could you spend that many years sleeping at someone's feet and not remember a single detail?" (37). "Life had sentenced her to die among strangers." (39)

This is the first Sedaris book I've ever read. After dozens of friends saying "Read this! He's hilarious," I figured I'd give it a go. I suppose I did find it funny, or I think more accurately I found it witty. So I wasn't laughing out loud as many reviewers and friends said, but I did think he was clever. As to people who hated the book because of Sedaris' personality, I think that's kind of pointless. You didn't like the stories he told about his life, ok that's fine but you have to separate that from his writing. Most writers are terrible human beings, but that doesn't stop us from loving Dickens or Hemingway. And on a personal level, I think his encounters that people so loathed, are true of so many people. Sedaris presents perfectly the mediocre America man. So be appalled at your neighbors, not at a best-selling author who dares to be average.

I'd probably rate this about a 2.6. I liked some parts of it, and certainly the author has a way with words. But I felt a little more finesse could have been applied, so great effect without sanding away the roughness of the characters. It WAS funny, and there were a couple of gems of poignancy, but I didn't love it. I am inclined to like it, but I won't be recommending it to my nearest and dearest.