Speed Dating
Dylan Hargreave thinks I'm an actress paid to pose as his girlfriendat a North Carolina society wedding. How did this happen to me, of all people? Kendall Clarke, award-winning actuary, the veritableshining star of number crunchers who, just hours ago, learned herresponsible fiancé (sorry, ex-fiancé) called off our wedding becausehe'd gotten one of my colleagues pregnant. What are the odds? Don't tell me you've never heard of Dylan Hargreave. CelebrityNASCAR driver? People magazine's Sexiest Man of the Year?Those eyes. That smile... Forget sensible! I've assessed the risk...and I'm taking it! I usuallykeep the brakes on, but as of now I'm taking a vacation. From me.

Mahasin S Ameen@fivefootsmall
This was a stupid book. Maybe I was expecting something... I don't know, even remotely "hot" or "romantic" because it's a harlequin romance, but this was neither hot nor romantic. It was insipid. Kendall Clarke is stupid and I wanted to hit her with an actuaries guide, upside the head, repeatedly. And I don't normally have violent impulses to "heroines" in books. There weren't even any good racing puns, I was at the very least expecting "her body was thrown into overdrive" or hilarious pit stop references. But no.

Totally Addicted to Reading@ttlyadd2reading

Samantha Rose MacLaughlin@samantharose