Pluto: Urasawa x Tezuka
R to L (Japanese Style). A robot may not harm or kill a human being. Article 13 of the Robot LawsAdolph, a member of a robot hate group, is being used as a pawn and hunted down by the members of his own brotherhood. He must now turn to his worst enemy for protection--Gesicht, the robot who he believes killed his own brother.

5/5 "The strong are only victorious until they face someone stronger" even robots have feelings as well. they, too, can feel hatred and sadness. and this volume is filled with those two emotions. the mastermind behind all the murders is yet to determined and the slow unraveling of the truth is really engaging. but please please, don't revive atom if you're just going to make him something other than his innocent, kind self. this talk about him possibly becoming a 'monster' if he ever survive is making me worry.


Mariano Pagella@mmarianop