
Bullshit! This book is full of irrational and unproven claims. And the fact that the writer tries so hard to convince us is almost like he's trying to convince himself that this is how he's successful. "If you're not successful, then you're not reading the book properly, dumbass!"

Think and Grow Rich is a good book. It was an OK read. Why three stars, then? Because almost half of it seems to be fiction. I did not enjoy the last few chapters at all, due to the constant mentions of a "higher intelligence" and other supernatural elements. But the other chapters have sound core principles, and for those, the book was worth the purchase.

Wow! To find a book filled with info applicable to today, yet written in the early 1900's was astounding. Several concepts in the book sounded like pseudoscience, and other things simply sounded novel. The idea of sex transmutation sounds fascinating, but I'm unsure whether it's applicable in reality. Regardless, if one follows the principles outlined in the book, they will become rich over time.

Everyone should read this at least once in their life.

While a lot of people think this book isn't great because you'd be better off reading "real literature" or books about personal finance, I still found it immensely useful and will keep it on my shelf for future reference/re-reads. The most powerful practices and messages in this book aren't about finance. Some of them might even seem obvious. The hard part about the good stuff is simply human nature. It talks about a lot of things we aren't good at. It asks us to do a lot of things most readers won't do. If you can look at yourself critically, if you can master self-discipline, I'd like to see what else you can accomplish. However, if you don't even believe in yourself, or your own power, is there much chance for you at all? From my experience, attitude is everything. Napoleon Hill is spreading this knowledge to folks who needed it during one of the hardest times humans have experience today. Like I said, some of the things he says seems obvious. But how many people practice it today? How many people do you know have truly mastered themselves? Put in the work, find your motivation, and be persistent. Again, maybe not ground breaking stuff. I find it helpful for the reminder. I found the book to keep my mind in the right space. The book is worth it for that alone.

Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" is still a classic with a lot of knowledge and wise thoughts valid for today. Maybe the title can be misunderstood - it is less about the "Rich" and more about the "Think and Grow" - Hill doesn't advice on how to invest money, what kind of financial products to buy or how to build a start up. Hill shares his insight on the philosophy, spirituality and mindfulness required to build a personality and character that can become positive, thinking and developing - and such also rich in wealth and mind. In my personal bookshelf, I don't sort Think and Grow Rich in the "Money" section. Even though there is a lot of esoteric gibberish - I loved the spiritual references. This is something that today seems to have been lost in success oriented books. It doesn't feel sectarian or too daring, more like a very beginning 20th century spirituality between religious mostly Christian religious tradition (yet the book also contains a beautiful and strong Islamic reference about the character of the prophet Muhammed) and enlightenment - a great and successful attempt to find a middle ground. If you are interested in wise thought on what kind of personality can grow rich in mind and wealth, Think and Grow Rich is definitely worth a read. If on the other hand, your question is more hands-on - how to invest or deal with money technically, I recommend I Will Teach You to Be Rich: No Guilt. No Excuses. No BS. Just a 6-Week Program That Works too. Both books complement each other very well.

It's more of a reprogramming of the mind, done in such a manic way that it became, dare I say, borderline brainwashing. I suppose that's the extent it needs to go to be able to convince such a large populace, that amount of conviction required to change people's beliefs. 3 stars for it not being the practical book as I had hoped. If one was to be in despair of the capitalist system, though, this would set them right back on track.

This book was given to me by a friend who thought I might need a little boost in my outlook on starting a successful company. This book was exactly what I needed, and made me realize a few things that might make me a bit more successful. The first chapter starts out really cheesy (for lack of a better word), but then settles into great advice for anyone who wants to be successful at whatever they do. This book is not just about making money. It's about attaining goals, figuring out your definite chief aim in life, and taking continuous actions toward that goal.

I understand why this book is so popular, but I just could not get past so many problematic parts. I suppose you could get some good advice out of it if you can read with HUGE grains of salt knowing that it was written a long time ago; forgive lots of problematic victim-blaming, sexism, & racism; get past the weird cyclical and aggrandizing writing style; and control your eye-rolling at the loads of pseudo science and absurd advice. While there were definitely some pieces of good advice & interesting nuggets of thought, I ended the book feeling so angry and frustrated that I really cannot recommend this. It ends up just feeling like a textbook for privileged white men to feel better about their success and shame everyone they see as below them.

I got this book from my grandfather, This book really changed my mindset to a more powerful and ambitious one and it also makes you confident. If you love self-help books, this is one of the must-haves!

Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill it’s a classic. A book worthy for your library. It’s kind of you-can-do-it-all type of book. A mixture of Tony Robbins speech and the cliche quotes you see online about becoming ultra successful. Napoleon often mentions in the book that you’ll see the truth about becoming rich only if you’re worthy, which can trigger an eye-rolling response. Nevertheless, it has some really inspiring stories and the principles inside can actually motivate you to start pushing and pursuing your goals. Personally, I’ll recommend this book to someone who is looking for inspiration. People who feel lost and don’t know towards where they should be headed. The principles in the book often sound cheezy and kind of spiritual but nevertheless, there’s a lot you can learn about becoming rich. Not only materially rich, but mentally as well.

The book was given by my grandfather, I won't say he's rich but he and my grandmother owns some houses. This book is really good, it made me think of my future (I'm 14) and it also makes you confident and will change your mindset to a more ambitious one. If you love self-help books, this is one of the must-haves!

To get anything out of this book, you need to "know what you want," says the introduction. This echoes what Ben Horowitz says in What You Do Is Who You Are: How to Create Your Business Culture where he states that if you don’t know what you want — say a frugal culture versus confident sales people asking for $5M orders — there is no chance that you will get it. My summary: Know what you want (idea), believe you’ll get it (faith), act on that idea consistently (action, persistence). From page 234 in my "airport bookstore" Barnes & Noble exclusive edition with journal pages at the end (heh). You are studying a book intended to help you develop a “money consciousness” by filling your mind with positive emotions. You do not become money conscious by filling your mind with negative emotions. Positive: desire, faith, love, sex, enthusiasm, romance, hope. Avoid negatives: fear, jealousy, hatred, revenge, greed, superstition, anger. Decent summary here: Abandoned. Not worth reading more, since I get the main idea from other people’s notes. Read a hard copy on September 6, 2020.

The greatest book ever written by mankind


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